This horoscope is stricly dedicated and confidential for :


Born in May, 17th 1955


You’ve done it, you’ve made the right choice Bill and now you’ve set in motion a line of spectacular events that are absolutely going to make 2019 YOUR YEAR, with my guidance and some hard work, all your goals can and will be realized! But when I say ‘some hard work’ that’s both a necessity and a warning my dear, because you cannot expect good things to come to your life if you simply sit back and wait. For years and years, the most successful people throughout history have become just that through their blood, sweat and tears, the hard work they’ve put in to achieving their dreams! This is the same sacrifice and effort you have to give Bill, no less than 100%, you MUST give it your all, but you’re not going to do it alone, I'm here for you now and I will be here for you in the future throughout this year, each and every day.

When you read your forecast each day, know that it’s me who has given that special guidance just to you, I want you to imagine that I am by your side because that’s what I'll be doing every day throughout the new year for you. Like I've told you before, you’re a special person, a strong person with even more strength hidden within you, and all you need are the right tools to unleash this strength and use it in your own life, your environment and the people around you so that nothing ever holds you back from achieving what you want the most in life, so that you can have laser focus on everything that needs to be done in order to achieve your dreams!

These tools that I'm speaking about are about to be put into your hand so you must grip them tightly and hold them close to your heart. When I give you all the information and guidance you’ll need for this year, YOU must use it, because I can only give you the information but ultimately, in the end, YOU are the one responsible for changing your own life because I can’t live your life for you, I can only guide you each day for the new year. Read what I say to you each day and then take action Bill, do something different, something that allows you to live your life each day differently than your normal routine.

You’ll find that when you break free from your habits and routines that you find new opportunities, new people, so throughout this reading, follow my advice, take action and live your life differently to give yourself the best chances to realize your dreams! And remember, if you do nothing, if you read my guidance and simply wait for things to change then nothing will change, YOU have to work with me and the Universe, the natural forces in the world and set yourself in the direction towards the change you want, only then will it come.

So Bill, what exactly am I going to offer you throughout this reading in the next pages? Well my dear, I'm going to cover 3 areas that will be crucial to attaining a positive new year, a positive 2019 from start to finish, these areas are:

  • How to identify what resolutions you need to make and mentally train yourself to stay focused and true to them throughout the year.
  • The planetary transits that will specifically affect each area of your life and techniques to channel their energy and use it each and every day to achieve your dreams.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly is your actual forecast for each day of the year of 2019. You’ll know exactly how each day is going to affect you and the steps you must take in order to reap the benefits that they offer.

These are the 3 areas that will allow you to make 2019 your year Bill but it’s not quite as simple as that. Within each of these areas there are different subtopics I have to offer you that will each present you with different benefits.

Now, let’s get started my dear...

How to keep working on your goals in 2019

My dear, Bill, 2019 is your best year yet and I am so happy you are about to discover how this year will change your life. I know every single year; the beginning of the new year marks the perfect time to turn a new page. It is the best way to start afresh and this is also the moment where your motivation is strong and high. As I told you before, 2019 is full of opportunities coming your way and my dear, it is the perfect moment to integrate new routines, develop new skills, create new goals to reach and eliminate negative habits, blocking you. But, at the end of January, it seems very easy to abandon these new habits and easier to actually settle back into old patterns. And yet, you absolutely cannot do this, in 2019, as, throughout 2019, lots of changes will happen. So that is why I am going to personally make sure that THIS YEAR 2019, you keep your resolutions, you keep implementing new positive and successful methods to reach your goals Bill! Let’s get into it now!

My dear, starting up new resolutions is very important at the beginning of the year, as a new cycle that started with the beginning of the solstice has arrived. So actually speaking, it is literally the best time of the year to implement new methods for the new year.

So that is the reason why, based on your very favorable astral sky, it is very important that you keep creating new resolutions for 2019. Don’t be scared my dear, this year you are not abandoning your resolutions as I am here with you to help you and keep you motivated.

Establish a plan of action and be meticulous

So before we start, you need to know one major thing my dear. Creating a list of goals is fairly easy, but sticking to your goals and making sure never to let your everyday life take over your goals. And that is the tricky part as human beings have a tendency to stop improving themselves when the motivation is down or when it becomes harder. When you create your list of upcoming goals for 2019 and resolutions, you need a plan of action and above all, you need to be meticulous. Let me explain myself and use an example so that you understand exactly what it means.

When a new year comes, right after the holidays, people tend to complain about how they look and express their determination to lose weight, and diet to feel better and more in shape. Bill, I am not telling you to pick or use this goal for yourself, but to understand exactly how our brains work when we have goals to achieve and a desire to improve ourselves. For people who want to improve their body shape and become healthier, the only solution that will truly work is by creating a fitness and food schedule. They will know which muscles to work on, how exactly by doing their own research and by implementing this schedule to their daily life. It could start by exercising once a week, and then increase the days per week to achieve working out five days a week, every week. Bill, by sticking to this fitness or food or any schedule, by practicing day after day, these people will create a new routine for themselves and stick to it more easily to achieve their goals. That is exactly what I want you to do and what I need you to understand right now.

For all the new goals you set up for yourself, it is essential for you to establish and determine which goals are more important to you. Do not spread yourself too thin by trying to accomplish them all, at the same time. By doing so, you will try to start them all but won’t accomplish any of them. Try going one goal after another. Once you finish and reach the first goal you set for yourself, move to the next one and make sure to accomplish it before moving on. Each goal has its obstacles to overcome, and require different types of behavior coming from you. One could require you to dedicate more time, while another one would require you to rush before it's too late, if it’s spread out in time. Prioritizing is key here! The more important they are, the more you are going to dedicate time for them my dear.

For the very beginning, let’s try something my dear. Once you pick your top 3 most important goals you are willing to give time to, you will need to create a plan of action. The plan of action has a very important role as, it will help you create a repetitive routine in which you will incorporate your work towards your goals. Bill, it is vital for you to start with one goal at a time, once you do, start incorporating small steps keeping in mind your achievement. Let’s reuse the example above to fully understand the plan of action and its determining role. Working out and eating healthier is good, but the successful plan of action that will change everything is creating a list of the people’s favorite meals, find a healthy alternative and keep working out a couple time a week first, then they may increase the duration of their workout, creating their own healthy meals and keep working harder once their mind and body are used to this new routine. By 2020, and if these people keep working with baby steps, they will find their way to success and a shaped body. But it doesn’t only work with fitness or dieting my dear Bill, it works with any goal you may have in mind or will have in mind in the future. Planning and being meticulous is EVERYTHING!

Once you understand this core principle my dear, it will definitely lead you to success. But before getting overly excited I have to warn you about something that will cross your path. Pay close attention as this warning is very important!

How to avoid being your biggest obstacle

My dear, wishing for success and wanting to achieve your goals is amazing! It is important for you to keep working on yourself, improving yourself and finding new goals in your life. I can see how brave you are and how determined you are but I need to tell you that in your quest to achieving your goals your motivation will lower and potentially fade away...

And let me tell you that this is the biggest obstacle to your goals: YOURSELF. You are the biggest obstacles to your dreams and goals.

Incorporating new habits is hard and requires as I mentioned earlier, for you to be meticulous. If you fail at being meticulous and organized, your card castle will fall flat on the ground. You are your own motivational speaker, friend and supporter in the quest that will lead you to your dreams and goals. YOU Bill! Never forget that!

This can sound a little scary but it doesn’t have to be as this lack of motivation can be avoided my dear! With my help I will teach you below how to prevent this from happening!

So, I am telling you this right now so that you prepare yourself for the lack of motivation that you will feel in your quest my dear. This decrease in your motivation will hit you hard and its goal will be to prevent you from evolving and changing. But don’t be scared my dear as this is totally natural. You need to understand that human beings are creatures of habits. Even though they want to improve themselves, we are all deep down scared of changing, changes in our lives and not knowing what the future holds for us. This lack of motivation is your brain telling you it’s scared and doesn’t know how your life will be if you finally achieve your goals, as you have never achieved these in the past. It is your brains defense mechanism trying to protect itself and you should not consider that as your body telling you to stop everything. This is not your intuition speaking to you or your inner voice. You truly need to differentiate that my dear. To face this lack of motivation you will need to trust yourself, accept this decrease of motivation, and embrace it.

By doing so, you will understand that your motivation cannot always be perfect and neither can you. But that doesn’t mean you should stop improving yourself and reach your goals. Even when it will eventually become harder to push yourself to work towards your goals, push harder, and keep thinking about your goals, why you want to accomplish them, why they are so important to you and why you absolutely cannot give up on yourself. Bill, I know you are capable of pushing yourself harder, work harder and visualize your goal! This time I need you to prove to yourself what you are capable of! When you feel your motivation is decreasing, repeat this sentence “I am not demotivated, I am a work in progress and I WILL succeed”. As I used to say “This shall pass too”. Keep repeating these sentences and truly understand their meanings. Nothing is permanent, and everything can be changed for the better!

Practice positive visualization

Now that you know how to face your biggest obstacle, let’s work together on improving something I think is vital in the journey leading you to reach your goals and resolutions this year Bill! This powerful tool is: Positive thinking and how to train your brain to think the right way to maximize your success!

I call this technique “the positive visualization technique”. It has been used for hundreds of years and helped several people in their journey. So, let me tell you a little more about it my dear, so that you fully understand how this works and how to use it! This technique is THE technique that people who succeed in life use!

This technique means you need to visualize your success and yourself achieving your goals before they actually happen and Bill, they will happen! The goal is to stimulate your brain and your imagination. Gently close your eyes. Once you do, use it to create in yourself the motivation needed to obtain what you want in life and in that case to make the most out of 2019 and achieve your goals!

Still confused? Let me give you some insight! Bill, the more you practice this technique on a regular basis, the more you push your brain and rewire it to subconsciously and intuitively guide you to your goals! Isn’t it amazing?

To fully benefit from this positive visualization technique, you need to truly feel the picture that you generate in your head. There are several techniques to emotionally feel connected to yourself, but let me give you my favorite exercise!

Consider the pictures in your brain real, as real as one of your childhood memories. This little game will stimulate your vision and your intuition. This feeling will remind you every single day how real your goals are, and how close you are to get there. As I mentioned before, every day is a new day, getting you closer and closer to who you want to be!

If you have a hard time practicing and understanding that your goal is real, let’s add a little additional help my dear. Try this time, picture your goal as accomplished and real, and picture how you would feel inside and out once you finally reach your goal. Bill, it could be yourself finishing tons of paperwork, or finally getting up on time to start your day. Imagine how exactly you would feel, how happy you would be, and imagine all these positive feelings invading your mind, heart and soul my dear!

These exercises are very powerful as they have a tendency to work like magnets. In this case, these thoughts will attract what you truly want. These images are close to you, you can feel them, and they will find their way to you! Day after day, these images will get closer to you until they finally meet you! Surround yourself will the full accomplishment of all your goals. Stay grateful and be fully aware that you are just one exercise away from achieving your goals my dear!

As soon as you finish doing this small exercise, open your eyes very slowly, when you feel comfortable. And feel the motivation coming back in your body, your mind and your brain. Let the motivation coming from this positive visualization cross your body and let it guide you toward this positive energy.

Bill, keep in mind that you will need to do this exercise daily to maximize its effect on your life. Find the perfect frequency and moment that is the most suitable for you to do this exercise and practice my technique to success. I am counting on you not to find yourself excuses to avoid this practice! When you feel like you are about to drop this exercise, the routine you put yourself in will keep you from drowning. Train your spirit to think positive at any time, and over time you will notice that once it has been trained, your spirit or brain will know how to act the right way for you to attract success.

Prevent stress from dragging you down

Bill, now that you have effectively understood how to train your brain to think and create positive visualization, you need to keep up with this practice and start getting rid of all the negativity that could eventually bring you down or generate stress and anxiety. As you may know by now, all the exercises I will tell you about in this part are very important, but without doing what is vital my dear, getting rid of stress, you will never fully be in the best place physically, mentally and spiritually to reach your goals. I want you to get the best out of this year and for that reason, I will tell you how to get rid of anxiety, and prevent your lack of motivation from bringing you down.

Let’s start by my favorite exercise to get rid of stress Bill: meditation. The meditation practice I will teach you right now, is the golden key that will allow you to take a step back in your life, reflect on your daily life, and disconnect when you face obstacles.

Let’s start by my favorite exercise to get rid of stress Bill: meditation. The meditation practice I will teach you right now, is the golden key that will allow you to take a step back in your life, reflect on your daily life, and disconnect when you face obstacles.

To begin, I will teach you how to properly start this meditation practice my dear.

Many types of techniques can help you but I will teach you one today to help you alleviate stress. There is the Zen Meditation which focuses on moving you to a place of peacefulness, and far away from your problems. In order to do this technique, you will need to find a very quiet and not busy place, whether it is a room with less furniture, less electronics. Once you picked a place you truly feel good in, find yourself a spot to lay down, or sit comfortably on the ground. Do not pick a spinning chair or a noisy bed. Find a spot where you won’t be distracted by its surroundings.

Then, whenever you feel like it, sit or lay down, closing your eyes and placing your arms on each side of your body. Do not cross them my dear, try to relax all your muscles and find the easiest position for you. You may need to hold your position for a long time depending on your meditation session so try to find something in which parts of your body won’t be asleep.

Breathe, very deeply, carefully and make sure to inhale, filling your lungs with oxygen and then exhaling removing all the remaining air within you. The idea of the Zen meditation is picturing an object or an element, and let it go away like a cloud in the sky. Let me give you an example Bill.

The first step is to imagine yourself, in the middle of a quiet forest, near a lake.

Then picture a leaf falling down, in front of you.

Now, try to visualize all your worries and stress. Mentally place them within the leaf and finally let the leaf go away, fly high with the wind.

This example can be, a balloon in the middle of a crowded circus, or a cloud before a storm. You can adapt this method to any element or object you like or prefer. And once you are ready to let go, imagine it going far away from you and not returning.

Repeat this process whenever you need it, it could be five minutes a day, or half an hour long, it doesn’t matter, as long as you do it when you need to do it.

The best way to maximize this meditation technique is to do it as regularly as every day, but you can start small and increase as you feel comfortable. Meditation in this case is very powerful to release tensions in an anxious mind. In this case, it is easier to focus your attention away from anxiety and stress and wash it away. My dear, this Zen meditation is going to be the best way to cleanse your mental and physical space to make room for great things coming in the future. Do not hesitate to refer to your transits to see the best months to act for your goals. This is your chance to tie any loose ends in your past, let 2018 go away and focus on this new year full of opportunities.

Bill, the more meditation you will do, the easier it will be for you to take a step back when you will face obstacles to your goals. By disconnecting you from your issues, you will have a better understanding of the global situation and finally a better way to control your mind, emotions, and align them to overcome your obstacles and finally making 2019 your best year my dear.

The next advice I have for you is very important, as sometimes, you may end up feeling lonely on your way to success. When it happens, remember one major thing: Do not stay alone, or on your own.

You must not isolate yourself

My dear, one thing that will prevent you from changing your life and succeeding in your goals is isolating yourself. I know that feeling isolated and lonely can happen in lots of different situations... It may happen when you feel there’s no one you want or can spend time with or talk to. You can even feel lonely or isolated when you’re around other people, but don’t feel connected to them or when you feel like no one understands you. It’s also a common response to the loss of a relationship either through a fight, a breakup or a death. But you can have meaningful, fulfilling relationships, so don’t consider yourself a hermit yet. There are things that you can do to prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness, regardless of what led you to feel that way. Try expanding your social network, learning to enjoy your time alone, and maintaining the friendships that you have.

Expanding Your Social Network

Bill, one of the most obvious ways you can prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness if you expand your social network and the range of people you know and see in your life. One way to do this is to open yourself and/or learn a new skill or topic as this will give you the opportunity to meet people that you might not meet otherwise. It can also help you feel connected to someone you otherwise wouldn’t even have considered talking to. For example, take a foreign language class to expose yourself to different cultures and to interact with new people sharing this common interest. You can also try something active like a team sport. This will give you the chance to get some physical activity, get to know your teammates and therefore widen your social circle.

Another excellent way for you to prevent isolating yourself and actually feel amazing about what you are doing is through volunteering. This is a way to give back and boost your community as well as support causes that YOU care about. As you are acting for the whole community, there is no way you will feel lonely or isolated while you are in service and actually making people’s lives better. This is also because it gives you the chance to meet people with similar interests and concerns and meet people in your community. When possible, volunteer to do things that will allow you to interact with other people. For example, instead of volunteering to stuff envelopes and clean, you might volunteer to greet visitors at an event, take care of children or serve food at a homeless shelter! Interacting with any of these people will warm your heart and make you feel so much better. A final benefit you will gain from all of this is actually feeling so much more grateful of the things that YOU have and that most people take for granted. It will help you take a step back and realize that you are extremely happy to have certain things in your life that others don’t.

In any situation where you don’t know people, one way that you can connect with others and prevent feelings of isolation is to ask someone you know to introduce you to new people. For example, having a mutual friend introduce you to others can help you meet many new people and it will be so much less awkward for you! Do not hesitate to ask, I am sure that many of these new people will be very happy that you have taken such an initiative. Bill, I want this New Year to be one of endless possibilities and especially one where you stop putting barriers to yourself. The only way to succeed is to face every one of your fears head on, tackle them one at a time and very soon my dear you will become an unstoppable force! A good start for you would be to consider joining a friend for an activity or event that you do not normally partake in to meet different people.

My dear, the advice I have given you so far will help you under one crucial condition: in order for you to prevent feelings of isolation and expand your social network, you’ll have to BELIEVE that you can meet new people. Believing in yourself will give you the confidence you need to introduce yourself to others and widen your circle of friends. When you meet new people Bill, always remind yourself that you are a great person who is capable of making new friends. Try saying, “I believe that I can meet new people. I don’t have to feel isolated or lonely.”

Make a list of all the reasons someone would want to spend time with you. For example, you might write, “I’m quirky, thoughtful, interesting, and a great listener.” Never hesitate to remind yourself of these things, self-care and self-love is so important for your mental health and without it you cannot succeed, you must first believe you can achieve something otherwise you are headed straight to failure. Give yourself a daily compliment. For instance, when you’re getting dressed in the morning, you could tell yourself, “I’m a great person and I’m going to have a great day with the people around me.” Keep in mind that you may not connect with everyone you meet and that’s okay. Everyone has unique personalities and interests, and it’s normal for those to bring you closer or distance you from different people. Be patient. Remember that it takes time to build connections with new people.

Enjoying Time Alone

Bill, I know that there will be times that you can’t be around other people for some reason or another. Perhaps you are simply sick and don’t want to get others sick or maybe you are spending a weekday at home while everyone else is at school or at work. When you actually don’t have a choice but to be alone for any possible reason, you can handle these times and prevent feeling isolated or lonely if you use the time as an OPPORTUNITY to get to know yourself better.

Make a list of ALL the things you want to do at some point in your life, like a lifelong bucket list. You might surprise yourself by some of the things you actually want to experience. For example, you may think about it and realize you want to learn fencing. That is why it is important for you to take your time and write these out, map them out. We always have so many thoughts in our heads and we don’t realize it but writing them down, whether it is here with your goals, or simply writing down your feelings or things to do... in any case doing this helps TREMEDOUSLY and is one of the very best ways to clear your mind and organize your thoughts in such a way that you can deal with them correctly. To help even more with this, spend some time meditating. This is a great way to reduce stress, improve your focus and concentration, and allow you to explore your thoughts and emotions.

My dear, instead of allowing feelings of isolation and loneliness to overcome you, you can enjoy your time alone by using it to explore and develop some of your hobbies and interests. When you are doing things you enjoy and find interesting, you may be less likely to feel that you aren’t connected to others. Make a list of hobbies or activities that you have been wanting to try. Include group activities, but also include solo activities like gardening, writing poetry, painting, or blogging. If you are not sure where to start, you can research online or browse books on hobbies to see if something new catches your interest!

Social networking and other uses of technology can help you prevent feeling isolated and lonely, but logging in all the time can also prevent you from forming true connections with people in real life. Technology is great as a way to connect with people and keep in touch when you can’t see each other in person, but don’t let it become a substitute for face-to-face contact.

For example, joining online groups and forums is a good way to meet other people. Be careful, though, with the information that you share over the internet with people that you don’t know in person. Something else that would help you a lot is this: instead of emailing or texting your friend, give them a call, do a video conference, or better yet, make plans to spend time together.

Although social media should not be your primary way of connecting, it is very helpful for times when you need to be home, such as when recovering from an illness. What I am trying to tell you, Bill, is that – like many things in life – this should be done in moderation if you want to get the best results and the best benefits from it.

Maintaining Friendships

You must always remember my dear, that friendships are a ‘two-way street’. Sometimes your friends will reach out to you first, and sometimes you need to be the one to reach out. Being willing to reach out to others instead of always waiting on someone to reach out to you will help you avoid feeling lonely and isolated. It also lets the people that you care about know that you are thinking about them and want them to be a part of your life! You may think that it is obvious but never hesitate to do this because anyone needs reassurance sometimes and I am sure you can relate to that, Bill. Call or contact your friends and family members every few days to see how they are doing and what is going on in their life. Instead of waiting on a friend to ask you to hang out, you might call them and say, “Hey! Do you want to hang out this weekend?" Offer suggestions, such as meeting for lunch, but invite your friends to also offer ideas for what activities to do when you get together. You’ll see that once you start doing this, the relationships you already have will only become stronger and you will share memories with your loved ones that you will be able to cherish forever, and all of that thanks to you my dear!!

One reason that people feel isolated and lonely is because they don’t feel that they have made true connections with other people. You may be surrounded by people, but still feel alone if you don’t think anyone understands you. You can prevent these feelings if you open up and let people get close to you. Talk about more than superficial things or “small talk” with the people close to you. For instance, don’t just talk with your teammate about the weather and the game.

Share the good things and the bad things that are happening in your life with your friends and family. For example, you might tell your friend, “I feel like we need to connect more. Can I talk about some things going on with me.” You’ll see that if you make such an effort, often people will open up to you as well and your relationships will reach levels that you never even thought were attainable.

Another way to maintain the friendships and relationships that you have is to be a good listener when people are talking with you. Actively listening gives you the opportunity to learn more about your friends. It also lets people know that you care about them and what they are talking about. This can make you and them feel more connected, and less isolated!

Remove other distractions when you are talking with people close to you so that you can pay attention to the conversation. Instead of thinking about how you will respond or letting your mind wander, stay focused on what you all are talking about. Listen without feeling the need to have a perfect solution to whatever may be shared with you. Sometimes people just need to be heard. It is hard for anyone today to LISTEN fully and truly. We often respond with thoughts that were already in our heads and very rarely respond exactly to what the person is telling us. It isn’t very hard so don’t worry, Bill. It’s just a habit that many of us have lost but I have regained it thankfully and now my dear I want you to do the same because you can and that it will change your life.

Understanding Your Feelings

Getting to know yourself is a major key to your happiness, Bill. Recognize moments where you are in social isolation. This type of isolation is the absence of social relationships. For example, someone not talking to friends or family for several days at a time, and doing so in great part “on purpose”. This individual could be at home for several days at a time, and disconnect from all means of social communication (i.e., phone, computer, etc.). When a person who does experience social isolation engages with others, it is very superficial and brief. You may be experiencing social isolation when:

  • Your separation from others persists for a few days or more.
  • You begin to feel depressed, anxious, guilty, shameful, hopeless, helpless, worthless, and lonely but you continue to isolate yourself.
  • You have fears of developing closer relationships with people out of fear of rejection, abandonment, or general social anxiety.
  • Your social isolation is affecting a normal productive daily functioning at work or school. (i.e., missing classes or meetings, not attending business social gatherings, difficulty communicating with peers, teachers, or bosses).

Another type of isolation that is linked and which most people can relate to at some point of their lives is emotional isolation. This is when you lack an intimate connection from a partner, family members, or friends. It can also result from social isolation (physical separation from others). My dear, let me tell you that many times, someone becomes emotionally isolated when they feel they are unable to connect with others, or initially build up their defenses for protection from emotional distress. If you feel you are emotionally isolated you:

  • Keep your emotions to yourself and have difficulty receiving emotional support from others.
  • Easily shut down and sometimes feel numb when feeling threatened.
  • Are reluctant to speak to communicate with others, unless it is superficial and topic of conversation is not about you and is brief in nature.
  • May have been exposed to infidelity, abuse, neglect, or abandonment and have an underlying trust issue with others.

Continued isolation and feelings of loneliness, if persisting despite your efforts of improvement could result in many other emotional and psychological issues if not resolved. Having a therapist, a close one or anyone you feel comfortable with help guide you in this healing process will help enormously in these situations. This is also why I want you to know, Bill, that as your friend, I am here for you, always.

Someone other than yourself will be able to help you identify what the underlying issues are that resulted in isolating behaviors and your current feelings of loneliness. There are times when the person does want deeper relationships with others, but due to extreme fear and sometimes paranoia, they may not know how to proceed. If that is your case my dear, you must get out of it. You must always believe that tomorrow will be a new and better day. Worry ends where faith begins, and I have tremendous faith in you, Bill, never forget that.

The importance of the TWO separate and different forecasts

I am sure you must wonder why you have two different forecasts and what this means for you, so let me explain this for you now.

Day to day forecast

The day to day forecast can be called the “short term” forecast and what it does is give you some information on every single one of the 365 days of the year. For this I will be looking mainly at the transits between the more rapid planets, the ones moving the quickest. This means that their transits are often shifting, changing and switching. As I have already mentioned to you, everything around us works in cycles. All of this means that these fast transits will happen often and are very predictable and will affect your life in a cyclical manner. Your day to day forecast will be very important for you to understand these recurrent tendencies and cycles in your life, Bill, so look and analyze all of it carefully and more than once.

General tendencies forecast

The second forecast will look at the bigger flows of energies and will tell you the biggest and most intense periods of your year in the most important areas of your life. It will be less detailed because for this I will look at the planets that move slowly. These planets’ transits are very rare because it takes many many years for a transit to reproduce itself. Bill, this means that when one of these slower transits is the same as the day you were born, the impact this will have at that precise moment on your personal life will be HUGE! You need this second forecast to have a global and general idea of the moments of your year that will be the absolute most important and intense for each of these important areas of your life such as love or money. These will be easier to memorize but they are equally, if not more, important so you must study this in detail and with a lot of care my dear.

Your Day by Day Forecast

January 15 2019

Uranus Conjunct Venus

The forces of change, disruption, and liberation are powerfully at work within and around you during this time, especially in the affairs of your heart. Long-standing friendships or partnerships are challenged now, as you are no longer able to tolerate stagnant conditions. An unhappy or oppressive relationship with a lover or friend, which until now you have been willing to be forbearing about, may suddenly feel untenable. It's a time to shake up or revivify intimate relationships. Expect the unexpected in all matters of the heart. Sexually, you may become more experimental or suddenly have romantic impulses you have never experienced before. This can be a very uncertain time period for you, both thrilling in the possibilities that are now opening for you and frightening as the familiar ways or people are no longer part of your life in the same way. Radical changes in your marriage, friendships or partnerships, as well as in your personal sense of style and aesthetic tastes, are on the agenda. If your relationships are basically sound, a reawakening of love, with greater spontaneity and honesty, is very possible. If, however, there is much that is not serving you or your partner, the relationship may well end or at least need to change.
Your taste in art, clothing or music is changing now, too, as you find yourself dissatisfied with conforming to old standards. You need new rhythms, new beauty, new inspiration.
Whatever occurs, this time period can be tremendously freeing, however upsetting it may be to the status quo.
Positive Potentials:
Renewed excitement, aliveness, inspiration, and spontaneity in your intimate life and/or your creativity.
Negative Potentials:
Others behaving erratically and unreliably toward you. Intense discontent with lovers or friends. Feeling insecure and unsettled as your relationships change.
Remedies and Suggestions:
There are two extremes to beware of while all of this is going on. The first is the tendency to irrevocably sever important and valuable connections in your desire to liberate yourself and be free. A new love may come into your sphere, which dazzles you in to doing something impulsive, foolish, and regrettable. On the other extreme, you may be clinging to an old form in a relationship which has already fulfilled its time. You will know if you are holding on when it is truly time to let the change happen, because the situation will become more and more painful, disruptive, and unworkable.

January 16 2019

Pluto Trine Sun

Your concentration, dedication, and resolute determination to achieve your personal goals is never stronger than now. This is a time when you make major changes in yourself and your position in the world.

This is a period to make changes that will lead to regeneration, revitalization, and renewal on many levels. Physically you may decide to upgrade the quality of your diet, to begin exercising or body building, or begin some mind/body healing program. You will also be reconnecting or connecting more strongly with what gives you a sense of meaning, joy, enthusiasm, and passion. Though these changes may seem subtle, they penetrate deeply into your core.
Positive Potentials:
Reversal of the aging process. Moving from a defeatist or victim stance to one of self-creation and empowerment. Greater ability to focus, concentrate, and follow through on personal goals. Commitment to living your life's purpose.
Negative Potentials:
Pursuing ambitions, goals, or self-change regimens over-zealously.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your creativity and need for self-expression will intensify and deepen, and a renewed commitment to living authentically and from your core may intimidate those around you. You may be accused of being too self absorbed or selfish; know these voices for what they are - the fears and self-serving concerns of others - and don't buy into them.
Unless you are already primarily selfish and self-serving, you will not suddenly become so now.

January 17 2019

Sun Trine Sun

Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well-received at this time.

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

January 18 2019

Neptune Square Mercury

Be extremely careful in all practical affairs at this time. You tend to overlook details, forget to consider some aspect of a problem, and make silly mistakes. Forgetfulness can be a serious problem.

You are very drawn to and influenced by the whole realm of the mystical, magical, and miraculous during this period. The danger is that you may confuse fantasy or actual spiritual perception with reality. Your imagination is coloring everything right now. You are more enchanted by possibilities than by fact. If you are working in a creative realm, this is fine. But in practical or business matters, it can be a great detriment.
How you will experience this influx of imagination and mystical reality depends to a large extent upon how much the spiritual is already a part of your consciousness and daily life. It can be thoroughly confusing and disorienting if you do not have any context for it. Even if you do, you tend to be less grounded and clear than usual. Avoid extremes, especially regarding spiritual teachings, teachers, or regimens.
Positive Potentials:
Ability to communicate spiritually to all parts of life. Creative imagination and inspiration infuses any artistic, poetic, or spiritual work.
Negative Potentials:
Your nervous system is highly sensitized right now, and you may be more susceptible to environmental poisons, pollution, noise. Tendency toward self-deception or being bamboozled by others. Overly idealistic.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Intoxicants and mind-altering substances of any kind can be severely unbalancing for you now and you would do well to avoid them. Find "natural highs" such as spiritual practices or communion with nature, and balance these with ordinary, mundane chores. Maintain a regular routine. Paint, write, or give tangible expression or form to the images and ideas that you are receiving now. Be very cautious in making any long-term commitment or contract. Misinformation or lack of clarity may abort the realistic possibilities for success. If possible, avoid signing binding agreements.

January 19 2019

Uranus Square Jupiter

A need for excitement, adventure, and fun pervades this time period. Exciting outdoor activities appeal to you now. Ski trips, canoe rides, softball, tennis, swimming, or camping appeal to you now, depending on your tastes and the season.

You feel electrified with hope and an expanded sense of possibility. This, combined with a pervasive need for freedom, makes you disinclined to work within your usual framework. An exuberant, almost reckless, faith in chance can lead to rapid changes, and great gains or losses occur at this time. Change happens in a lightning-like way, quickly and unexpectedly, leading to a sense of relief and release.
The forces of liberation are strongly active within and around you now, and an open mind and adventurous spirit will help you ride the currents. A too-narrow and rigid belief system will be rocked at this time.
Positive Potentials:
Serendipitous discoveries and awakenings. Intuitive impulses leading to large scale future plans. A fortunate twist of fate.
Negative Potentials:
Crazy goals based on ungrounded speculation and over-optimism. A profusion of new possibilities lead to rapid overexpansion. The inclination to gamble on a farfetched idea.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Apply common sense to any endeavor you're attracted to now. Be willing to open your mind and change your thinking, especially in regard to religious understanding and/or your future goals.
Be independent of the opinions of others who may want to hold you to your old methods, but do temper your actions with reason.

January 20 2019

Neptune Trine Saturn

This astrological influence is subtle in that it might not bring significant changes to your outer life and situation, but it is very significant in the ways that it fosters changes and developments in your fundamental beliefs and attitudes towards life.

During this period, you blend the ideal and the practical together. Simplifying your material life, minimizing the time and energy you put into gaining and maintaining material things, can liberate you to enjoy spiritual or charitable pursuits. You want to concentrate on what you really value. You are in a monkish mood.
You may be attracted to social service, working for a good cause, sacrificing some personal gain in order to align your professional or work life with your heart and ideals.
Sanctuaries, retreats, healing centers, silence, the mountains, or service is calling you.
Positive Potentials:
Bringing heaven and earth together. Softening the places in yourself and in your life that have become hardened, rigid, closed or overly certain. Embracing a nourishing spiritual discipline. Enjoying simplicity. Spiritual patience increases. Detachment from material ups and downs.
Negative potentials:
If you already lean strongly toward spiritual detachment or a mystical approach toward life, you may be unable to relate well to the marketplace.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Now is the time to give your dreams, idealism, and spiritual inspiration some tangible expression and physical form. You can take practical, sequential steps to make them a reality. Spiritual studies are fruitful now as well.

January 21 2019

Uranus Square Uranus

This astrological influence occurs once during the late teens or early twenties and then again in the early to mid 60's. In both cases, it is a time when you mature to a greater level of independence and self-reliance. Make the changes you need to make and go forward; seek creative solutions and do not add to the stress by being anxious, fearful, or unnecessarily rebellious and disruptive.

This is a period of sudden awakenings and sharp awareness of your need for greater independence and autonomy. An unexpected event, a job change, a move, or inconstant people and circumstances challenge you to adapt or take a different road from the one you've been on. To the extent that you have been living out societal, parental, or conventional mandates, or conforming to a peer group without forming your own personal opinions and being true to yourself, you may be feeling rebellious, contentious, and out of rhythm with yourself and those around you.
Flux and tension characterize this cycle, but there is also the opportunity to discover your authentic values and liberate yourself from the past.
Positive Potentials:
Greater freedom and ability to be the captain of your own life. Handling sudden changes, reversals, and unexpected turns by being willing to let go of expectations and detach yourself from the past. Meeting change with ingenuity, flexibility, creativity. Excitement, exhilaration, and openness to anything new.
Negative Potentials:
Erratic changes that feel out of your control. Extreme discontent. Intense conflict and confrontations with "freedom" being the dominant area of dissent. Rapid and constant changes that challenge your inner order and comfort.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Although revolutionary changes may be in order, beware of extremist positions and radical solutions to your current problems. Find or create some grounding and stabilizing routines and patterns: take a regular walk, work with plants on a regular basis, eat regular meals, do yoga. Move SLOWLY, as you walk or drive. Consciously choose not to hurry or pressure yourself.

January 22 2019

Mercury Trine Sun

You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

January 23 2019

Pluto Square Neptune

Your imagination is triggered by some exotic, unusual, fantastic, or idealistic vision that is sweeping through your age group like a wave. The exact nature of this inspiration is difficult to predict and can be anything from a new style of music or a movie that grips your imagination, to a spiritual or religious revival of some sort.

This is a time of deep soul cleansing and of dealing with some area of your life that may have been shrouded in secrecy, mystery, or the mists of the past. Outworn religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as personal dreams and unfulfilled longings, may die during this period. There will also be a re-emergence of distant memories, a spiritual legacy, or of renewed connection to your spiritual life. An intensified awareness of the numinous, hidden, or inner dimensions of life surfaces now.
If you have been engaged in any deceptive or dishonest practices - or been the victim of such - the truth is likely to emerge now. You have the opportunity to rectify, reconcile, come clean, or make amends.
Positive Potentials:
A deep inner confrontation and transformation of beliefs, ideals, or ancestral patterns; healing and transformation of soul issues.
Negative Potentials:
Death of illusions of safety, security, or innocence. Difficult transitions. Unwillingness to be straight with yourself or others intensifies difficulties.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Feeling helpless or overcome with regrets is a pitfall to avoid as best you can now. Your fears and reluctance to face certain issues make things seem worse than they are. Enter courageously and compassionately into this time, and profound healing can occur.

January 24 2019

Sun Sextile Moon

Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and ameliorate problems in your home life.

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the moment.

January 25 2019

Saturn Sextile Saturn

Conservative, practical steps towards greater security and stability are achieved at this time. This is a good time for making long-term investments, receiving practical training that will provide you with practical, marketable skills.

Patience, perseverance, and holding firm are called for now. Others may lean on you substantially during this time, and you can be a stabilizing support person in the life of a significant friend, family member or even work associate. While you may or may not think of yourself as a "rock", others will. This is a time to work with what is right at hand and immediately available, doing what needs to be done.
You gain by taking regular small steps in a positive direction, maintaining regularity and order in your life, and doing your best within the limitations of your current situation.
Positive Potentials:
Responsible and realistic attitude. Working harmoniously within an already-established structure or organization. Positive work or professional relationships. Drawing upon a tradition, mentor, or lineage to gain strength. Offering mentoring or the fruits of your life experience to others.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward over-conscientiousness or toward needing to control outcomes or guarantees increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Consider your long-term best interests, and invest your time and attention into what will matter to you most in the long run. Decide what is important and let the rest go for now. Make a real commitment to your health, education, family, relationships or future security and back it up with regular efforts. Think in terms of building a base.

January 26 2019

Mercury Sextile Moon

You feel inclined to speak to others about your innermost feelings, your past, and other personal subjects, which builds closeness and trust in your relationships, especially with women. You are also a sympathetic listener, drawing out others' feelings and personal experiences.
You may hear from someone from the past or reach out to someone you have a long history with or who was once very important in your life.

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

January 27 2019

Mars Sextile Mercury

You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack" intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if you brainstorm with others. You also tend to make up your mind very quickly and decisively now, and to translate your ideas into action.

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

January 28 2019

Pluto Sextile Saturn

Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. You are likely to adopt a rather austere and intense routine during this time period. You stubbornly pursue your interests, and you are willing to work long hours without complaint.

Whatever you do now, you do with seriousness and an in-depth approach. You have self-discipline that borders on self-denial, the capacity to make do with very little if need be, and the ability to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You want to focus exclusively on your ambitions and what is important to you, eliminating distractions and superfluous involvements. Relationships that you have outgrown or which take your energy away from your deeper aims are likely to be put aside for now or to end altogether. Socially, you may withdraw or need to sever ties with people who are not truly aligned with your best long-term interests. Necessary separations may be part of the picture.
Hard work, long periods of study, and concentrated efforts are laying the groundwork for long-lasting achievements. Inner work is also taking place. You have the opportunity to let go of old ghosts from the past and eliminate self-defeating beliefs, attitudes, and patterns.
Positive Potentials:
The capacity for thorough, painstaking work. The emergence of a deep sense of purpose, and the will to fulfill it. Resolving old, unfinished business and eliminating toxic people or attitudes from your life.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward fanatic workaholism or extremism in any form may increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
View whatever losses, disappointments, or endings in the professional or personal area of your life that occur now as necessary and helpful to you, even if they are painful in the immediate instance. Avoid blame or recriminations.
Give yourself credit for the work you are doing now, and know that your patient, constant efforts are building something worthwhile.

January 29 2019

Uranus Trine Pluto

Increased enthusiasm, zeal, dedication, and sense of purpose make this time period one in which you make great strides towards achieving your goals. The progress and advancement made now has more to do with developing inner talents and confidence than with outer, tangible benefits such as increased salary, prestige, or recognition.

During this time you see enormous and unprecedented changes in your world, and for the most part you are able to accept and integrate them. In fact you may seek out transformational, life-changing studies, practices, or techniques because you sense the need for fundamental changes within yourself and you're willing to go deeper.
Or you may be strongly attracted to social reform, activism, or actively supporting a collective movement aimed at deep change and renewal of some aspect of the world scene. Problems and issues that involve more than your immediate circle concern you now, especially environmental issues, political rights, and bringing public policies into alignment with universal values.
Positive Potentials:
Flowing with the strong currents of change in the world. Being an agent of positive change and reform.
Negative Potentials:
If you are usually very resistant to new approaches and avoid making changes in your life, you will be confronted with disruptions and unexpected eruptions of unwanted elements. Nonetheless, this can be a fairly smooth period of extraordinary change if you are willing to move with the times.
Remedies and Suggestions:
If you are so inclined, this is an excellent time to work in groups or organizations, accessing the collective power of these associations.

January 30 2019

Uranus Sextile Mars

Your energy level is high now, and you work very enthusiastically. You also are able to manage and motivate others very effectively, and you may find yourself involved in a successful and productive team effort.

You have numerous projects, activities, and irons in the fire now, and you may be swamped with offers for more. This is likely to be challenging, stimulating, and invigorating rather than overwhelming, however, because your energy is high. In fact, you'll be restless and discontent if your life is too predictable or serene.
This a favorable time to try something a bit riskier, more adventurous, or simply different from what you've been doing. You need more mobility, freedom, and excitement from your activities and relationships. This would be a fine time for a outdoor wilderness adventure, or to take up African drumming - something high energy.
Changes in work or in your creative expression are also afoot, because you're willing to experiment and go in new directions.
Positive Potentials:
Opportunities for positive change in all areas of self-expression, self-assertion, and creativity. Leadership. Taking direct action on your ideals or interests and concerns that you have put aside.
Negative Potentials:
Expecting too much from others. Impatience, goading or aggravating others into action.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Allow others the freedom to go at their own pace and rhythm, as you wish to be afforded the same respect.

January 31 2019

Mars Square Uranus

Rebelliousness, recklessness, impatience, a sudden burst of anger or your need to break free from rules and restrictions may create a lot of disruption in your life right now. Also, you can't seem to settle down or focus on one task for any length of time. Though you are unusually energetic, it is hard for you to get anything done. You tend to fly off the handle and to scatter your forces. You are happiest now when you do something creative and daring, which doesn't involve trying to cooperate or conform to others' wishes and needs.

Mishaps or disruptions due to recklessness, tactlessness, sudden outbursts of anger or impatience, and heated encounters are potential trouble spots at the moment. Slow down in traffic, and take precautions around fire, electronics, and sharp tools. Perhaps you can do something daring and outrageous that isn't dangerous!

February 01 2019

Mars Trine Pluto

Getting what you really want and moving toward achieving the things which are important to you may involve surrendering something or eliminating something from your life at this time: perhaps an attitude, a situation, or an attachment that has been impeding you is now released. You feel free to concentrate on the things that are most important to you now. Major, long-term changes can be successfully begun now - a lifestyle change or a regimen of self-improvement, for instance.

Your passion, zeal, and inner courage are intensified now, making you enormously effective. You are super-motivated and can tackle tough challenges with confidence. You may take something old and completely re-do, re-make, revise, or renew it. Your creative power is flowing!

February 02 2019

Mars Square Jupiter

You are highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly over-confident and take on more challenges than you can really meet. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of over-exerting yourself.

Your challenge now is to synchronize your own will and agenda with the larger energies or grand design. You tend to be tripped up by over-eagerness or expecting too much too soon, but if can relax, trust, and allow supportive energies to come to you, your desire can be fulfilled or a wish realized. Ask for what you want and do what you need to, then let it happen. No forcing or overdoing needed!

February 03 2019

Mars Sextile Mars

You are capable of forceful, decisive action, and you have the will to carry through on your intentions at this time. Physically, you feel good and your energy is flowing smoothly. Also, your interactions with others are feisty and spirited. you inspire others to take action and group efforts or joint projects are favored.

You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now, especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

February 04 2019

Venus Square Moon

The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted, and may do something "maternal" on impulse (such as take home a stray kitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets, shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding with them.

February 05 2019

Mars Conjunct Venus

Passions are aroused and intimate relationships heat up. You or someone close to you may be more demanding, assertive, fiery, or provocative, and whether this becomes a stormy interaction or a romantic interlude depends on the overall texture and nature of your connection. In either case, it won't be lukewarm. This is also a highly favorable period for creative expression, making art, dancing and simply enjoying your physicality.

February 06 2019

Mercury Square Sun

There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace is likely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and conducting business over the telephone, by email, or through the written word is the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well. It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

February 07 2019

Sun Square Saturn

This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed. Relationships with men and people in authority may be particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than usual; your mood is somber and rather self-critical. This is a good time to take stock of your life, to see how you are limiting and holding yourself back, and to determine your next steps. But do not attempt to press forward now, and don't take whatever setbacks you experience too much too heart.

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

February 08 2019

Sun Trine Mercury

If you are a writer, teacher, student, or involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you: ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling, negotiating, and communications of all kinds.

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

February 09 2019

Sun Square Sun

You feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires onto the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives while not turning away from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and contrasts presented now, and become clearer regarding your own path.

February 10 2019

Jupiter Trine Pluto

You feel confident, outgoing, optimistic, and enterprising. Expansion of business and professional pursuits is likely now. The business you are involved in is likely to attract new customers, develop new products, and receive increased recognition and influence at this time.

This can be a period of remarkable growth, improvement, and a betterment of conditions in all arenas. A troublesome situation or deep problem that you may have been grappling with for some time can begin to turn around or be resolved. Pending legal matters are apt to be favorably resolved, and old issues can be cleared up.
You may discover hidden resources, dormant talents, and unsuspected allies and strengths. This gives you the urge and the confidence to take on a much larger project, to bring your work out to the world in a larger way, or to take on social or community concerns that may not have been possible earlier.
Renewal and regeneration on many levels is the theme. Your physical and psychological health, as well as your financial or professional status will all respond favorably to your efforts to improve, upgrade, or excel.
Positive Potentials:
Wholehearted efforts bring magical results. Encountering people of wisdom, expertise, and vision who can help you. Renewal, rejuvenation, and regeneration.
Negative Potentials:
Tendencies toward excessive ambition are amplified.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your intuition and instincts are excellent right now, and you can let them guide you toward the activities, people, and timing that will benefit you the most. Act with faith and confidence, but remain humble as well.

February 11 2019

Sun Trine Mars

You have an abundance of physical energy and self-confidence right now and can take on new projects and challenges with ease. You feel bolder and less dependent on others' affirmation and approval.
Taking a strong stand or striking out on your own in some manner is likely to work out well for you.

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be a successful strategy at this time.

February 12 2019

Pluto Square Venus

Romance and sexuality are the key issues now. Your sexual drive is particularly strong now, and you are driven by a strong need to achieve a deeper level of fulfillment in your love relationships. At times during this time period you are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings, and you are prone to dispense with reason, logic, rational judgment, ethics, and taboos.

Very deep feelings are stirred in a close friendship or intimate partnership. A loss, betrayal, the death of a relationship - or the threat of such - may plunge you into the depths of your heart. Or, you may fall deeply and helplessly in love with someone now. If so, your relationship with this person may lead you into some very deep, unhealed places within you. Old patterns or intensely karmic relationships are being activated, and much that has been hidden or buried will surface - perhaps forbidden desires and longings, unresolved jealousies, suppressed resentments, unrequited love, or deep grief from previous losses. The force of your feelings may well surprise you, and seem to compel you to behave compulsively and irrationally. Any close relationship in which you are engaged may be the crucible for these intense feelings to emerge, to be experienced, and potentially be released or transformed.
Positive Potentials:
Overcoming and healing old, painful patterns concerning relationships, how you receive and give love, your feelings of worthiness, attractiveness, ability to be loved, etc. The power of love to heal. Coming into truth about your deeper needs, motives, and desires in relationship. An intensification of creativity and passionate expression.
Negative Potentials:
Attraction to a person or situation that is abusive, manipulative, and based on dominance rather than love. Strong negative emotions, obsessions, jealousies, sexual power games. Misuse of charisma and attractiveness by you or the other person. Projecting old pain onto a current friend or intimate partner.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Allow feelings, desires, and passionate longings to surface, even if they seem "wrong" to you, don't make sense, or violate some conventional idea about how you "should" feel. Be as honest as possible about what you feel, need, want, and are choosing to do in your relationships. Allow your heart to open, even if it is breaking, rather than become shut down or bitter.
Express feelings through song, the written or spoken word, dance, movement, or other creative outpouring. The point is to express - not necessarily to make "good" art! Recognize your power to create and to have real love in your life. Give up disempowering, diminishing, unhappy relationships and choose a new way of being in relationship.

February 13 2019

Sun Trine Neptune

At this time you really enjoy art, theatre, music, and your own inner world of fantasy. Your imagination is vivid. If you have an interest in spiritual matters, these interests come to the fore now also. The inability to be decisive and a lack of energy or drive is a negative possibility. You can be quite lazy now.

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace solutions.

February 14 2019

Sun Sextile Venus

Your relationships are especially affectionate and friendly at this time, and you may benefit socially or materially through an opportunity offered to you by a friend. This is a good time for parties, social gatherings, and other pleasurable activities.

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is emphasized now.

February 15 2019

Venus Sextile Saturn

You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile. You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do that.

February 16 2019

Jupiter Sextile Neptune

You are able to share ideals and spiritual concerns with others in a very satisfying way at this time. If there is someone that you feel does not understand "where you are coming from", you may find that you are now able to effectively communicate whatever lofty, idealistic, or abstract ideas that are important to you.

Practical considerations and material concerns diminish in importance now, and spiritual, idealistic, and humanitarian impulses come to the fore. There is also an emphasis on joining forces with people who share these interests, so you may become involved with a group devoted to spiritual development, or to the uplifting and improvement of conditions for others. You may be meeting new people, perhaps from a different background than your own, who help open your mind and heart, and widen your understanding of the world. Or, opportunities to travel to an especially intriguing place may arise. You are open to just about anything right now, which is why you are attracting these opportunities. And for the most part, you will be able to integrate and use what you learn and experience to enrich your daily life and relationships.
You do have more of a tendency to splurge on luxury or nonessential items, though, and to become a bit lax when it comes to work or the mundane details of life.
Positive Potentials:
Positive expectations, belief in good outcomes, hope, and faith increase, helping to bring about desired results. Spiritual life flourishes in the company of other seekers. Generosity, compassion, and empathy increase.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward passivity, denial of difficult truths, or over-reliance on luck or providence increases.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is such a benign influence that there's not much likelihood of difficulties or imbalances arising from it, but it would be easy to allow the opportunities for benefit to pass by. If you are able to translate your idealism or compassion into practical action, service, or tangible expression, then do so. Small gestures done with real kindness can mean a lot!

February 17 2019

Mercury Trine Saturn

The emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns.

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination, either written or oral.

February 18 2019

Mercury Square Mercury

Intellectual disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise now. You may have to speak your mind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else. However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your reasoning power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now, but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little, especially in traffic.

February 19 2019

Pluto Trine Sun

Your concentration, dedication, and resolute determination to achieve your personal goals is never stronger than now. This is a time when you make major changes in yourself and your position in the world.

This is a period to make changes that will lead to regeneration, revitalization, and renewal on many levels. Physically you may decide to upgrade the quality of your diet, to begin exercising or body building, or begin some mind/body healing program. You will also be reconnecting or connecting more strongly with what gives you a sense of meaning, joy, enthusiasm, and passion. Though these changes may seem subtle, they penetrate deeply into your core.
Positive Potentials:
Reversal of the aging process. Moving from a defeatist or victim stance to one of self-creation and empowerment. Greater ability to focus, concentrate, and follow through on personal goals. Commitment to living your life's purpose.
Negative Potentials:
Pursuing ambitions, goals, or self-change regimens over-zealously.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your creativity and need for self-expression will intensify and deepen, and a renewed commitment to living authentically and from your core may intimidate those around you. You may be accused of being too self absorbed or selfish; know these voices for what they are - the fears and self-serving concerns of others - and don't buy into them.
Unless you are already primarily selfish and self-serving, you will not suddenly become so now.

February 20 2019

Venus Trine Sun

Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like socializing and being friendly.

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience.

February 21 2019

Venus Square Neptune

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative however and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you.

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors, styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements) strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a little magic.

February 22 2019

Mercury Square Mars

Errors made in haste, speaking too forcefully, sharp words spoken on impulse, or accidents occurring due to restlessness and impatience are all possible at this time.
You feel that you have to fight for what you want or believe in, and you are very clear, decisive, and convincing right now, but you also tend to stir up more controversy or competitive feelings than is really necessary.

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time. Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

February 23 2019

Mercury Sextile Sun

This is a busy time; communicating and getting in touch with others is very likely. Numerous phone calls, letters, meetings, errands, or discussions bring you into contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus.

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

February 24 2019

Mercury Trine Uranus

You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake and interested.

February 25 2019

Mercury Trine Jupiter

This is a good time to travel, especially to places you've never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favored; your ability to understand and abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is strong now. Anything than broadens your world appeals to you at this time. You are interested in the big picture and have less attention and interest in details.

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now. Send and receive inspiring messages.

February 26 2019

Venus Square Venus

What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel and want in your relationships. If you are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You also feel amorous and loving, and if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy and appreciate it.

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease. In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

February 27 2019

Jupiter Trine Venus

This is a very pleasant time for you. You have a need to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, relax, and collect yourself. Taking a stroll through the woods, visiting a beautiful lake, mountain retreat, or beach appeals to you now. You also enjoy casual activities like strolling through art galleries and markets, buying some art work, and visiting friends.

Light heartedness and easy, comfortable relations typify this time period. You'll be pleasantly unambitious, quite able to relax and enjoy yourself, so this is the perfect time for a vacation (of the melt-in-the-tropical-sun-with-a-pine-colada variety, not a high-intensity or physically demanding adventure). You feel unguarded, open, at ease, expecting things to go well, which attracts positive experiences and outcomes. In fact, you're apt to be quite "lucky" right now, easily attracting love, friendship, and good fortune in small and large ways.
All social gatherings, festivities, celebrations, and artistic or cultural activities and events are highly favored now.
Positive Potentials:
Feelings of generosity, openness, warm heartedness, good humor, willingness to see the good in people and situations. Sharing your wealth and resources. Increased appreciation for beauty, and wanting to enhance and beautify your surroundings. The pleasure of adornment and decoration.
Negative Potentials:
Self-indulgence, excesses, overspending, eating, drinking, or playing.
Remedies and Suggestions:
You may feel so contented that you fail to take the opportunity to reach to others, or to express the gratitude, appreciation, and love you feel. Take the initiative - say and do what's in your heart.
Beware of compulsive and extravagant purchases. This is a good time to invest in beauty, but be sure you can really afford to do so.

February 28 2019

Mercury Conjunct Moon

This is a day of intimate conversation, speaking with women or someone you feel especially close to, and sharing on a personal, feeling level. Your mind turns toward the past, either fondly or regretfully. Telling your story or listening to others' stories and reflecting on your personal history is featured. You may want to spend some part of the day journaling or calling old friends. Thoughts about your home arise now, also. You could enjoy skimming magazines to get ideas for your living space, or even consult a feng shui expert.

March 01 2019

Venus Sextile Moon

This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable, loving, and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements or beautifying your surroundings in some way is also favored now.

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

March 02 2019

Sun Trine Saturn

Today it is easy for you to concentrate on your work, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual. This is a good time to tackle mundane chores and practical business.

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong, but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

March 03 2019

Sun Square Mercury

A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feel mentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on some issue.

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on inconsequential matters.

March 04 2019

Uranus Conjunct Venus

The forces of change, disruption, and liberation are powerfully at work within and around you during this time, especially in the affairs of your heart. Long-standing friendships or partnerships are challenged now, as you are no longer able to tolerate stagnant conditions. An unhappy or oppressive relationship with a lover or friend, which until now you have been willing to be forbearing about, may suddenly feel untenable. It's a time to shake up or revivify intimate relationships. Expect the unexpected in all matters of the heart. Sexually, you may become more experimental or suddenly have romantic impulses you have never experienced before. This can be a very uncertain time period for you, both thrilling in the possibilities that are now opening for you and frightening as the familiar ways or people are no longer part of your life in the same way. Radical changes in your marriage, friendships or partnerships, as well as in your personal sense of style and aesthetic tastes, are on the agenda. If your relationships are basically sound, a reawakening of love, with greater spontaneity and honesty, is very possible. If, however, there is much that is not serving you or your partner, the relationship may well end or at least need to change.
Your taste in art, clothing or music is changing now, too, as you find yourself dissatisfied with conforming to old standards. You need new rhythms, new beauty, new inspiration.
Whatever occurs, this time period can be tremendously freeing, however upsetting it may be to the status quo.
Positive Potentials:
Renewed excitement, aliveness, inspiration, and spontaneity in your intimate life and/or your creativity.
Negative Potentials:
Others behaving erratically and unreliably toward you. Intense discontent with lovers or friends. Feeling insecure and unsettled as your relationships change.
Remedies and Suggestions:
There are two extremes to beware of while all of this is going on. The first is the tendency to irrevocably sever important and valuable connections in your desire to liberate yourself and be free. A new love may come into your sphere, which dazzles you in to doing something impulsive, foolish, and regrettable. On the other extreme, you may be clinging to an old form in a relationship which has already fulfilled its time. You will know if you are holding on when it is truly time to let the change happen, because the situation will become more and more painful, disruptive, and unworkable.

March 05 2019

Neptune Square Mercury

Be extremely careful in all practical affairs at this time. You tend to overlook details, forget to consider some aspect of a problem, and make silly mistakes. Forgetfulness can be a serious problem.

You are very drawn to and influenced by the whole realm of the mystical, magical, and miraculous during this period. The danger is that you may confuse fantasy or actual spiritual perception with reality. Your imagination is coloring everything right now. You are more enchanted by possibilities than by fact. If you are working in a creative realm, this is fine. But in practical or business matters, it can be a great detriment.
How you will experience this influx of imagination and mystical reality depends to a large extent upon how much the spiritual is already a part of your consciousness and daily life. It can be thoroughly confusing and disorienting if you do not have any context for it. Even if you do, you tend to be less grounded and clear than usual. Avoid extremes, especially regarding spiritual teachings, teachers, or regimens.
Positive Potentials:
Ability to communicate spiritually to all parts of life. Creative imagination and inspiration infuses any artistic, poetic, or spiritual work.
Negative Potentials:
Your nervous system is highly sensitized right now, and you may be more susceptible to environmental poisons, pollution, noise. Tendency toward self-deception or being bamboozled by others. Overly idealistic.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Intoxicants and mind-altering substances of any kind can be severely unbalancing for you now and you would do well to avoid them. Find "natural highs" such as spiritual practices or communion with nature, and balance these with ordinary, mundane chores. Maintain a regular routine. Paint, write, or give tangible expression or form to the images and ideas that you are receiving now. Be very cautious in making any long-term commitment or contract. Misinformation or lack of clarity may abort the realistic possibilities for success. If possible, avoid signing binding agreements.

March 06 2019

Neptune Trine Saturn

This astrological influence is subtle in that it might not bring significant changes to your outer life and situation, but it is very significant in the ways that it fosters changes and developments in your fundamental beliefs and attitudes towards life.

During this period, you blend the ideal and the practical together. Simplifying your material life, minimizing the time and energy you put into gaining and maintaining material things, can liberate you to enjoy spiritual or charitable pursuits. You want to concentrate on what you really value. You are in a monkish mood.
You may be attracted to social service, working for a good cause, sacrificing some personal gain in order to align your professional or work life with your heart and ideals.
Sanctuaries, retreats, healing centers, silence, the mountains, or service is calling you.
Positive Potentials:
Bringing heaven and earth together. Softening the places in yourself and in your life that have become hardened, rigid, closed or overly certain. Embracing a nourishing spiritual discipline. Enjoying simplicity. Spiritual patience increases. Detachment from material ups and downs.
Negative potentials:
If you already lean strongly toward spiritual detachment or a mystical approach toward life, you may be unable to relate well to the marketplace.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Now is the time to give your dreams, idealism, and spiritual inspiration some tangible expression and physical form. You can take practical, sequential steps to make them a reality. Spiritual studies are fruitful now as well.

March 07 2019

Pluto Square Neptune

Your imagination is triggered by some exotic, unusual, fantastic, or idealistic vision that is sweeping through your age group like a wave. The exact nature of this inspiration is difficult to predict and can be anything from a new style of music or a movie that grips your imagination, to a spiritual or religious revival of some sort.

This is a time of deep soul cleansing and of dealing with some area of your life that may have been shrouded in secrecy, mystery, or the mists of the past. Outworn religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as personal dreams and unfulfilled longings, may die during this period. There will also be a re-emergence of distant memories, a spiritual legacy, or of renewed connection to your spiritual life. An intensified awareness of the numinous, hidden, or inner dimensions of life surfaces now.
If you have been engaged in any deceptive or dishonest practices - or been the victim of such - the truth is likely to emerge now. You have the opportunity to rectify, reconcile, come clean, or make amends.
Positive Potentials:
A deep inner confrontation and transformation of beliefs, ideals, or ancestral patterns; healing and transformation of soul issues.
Negative Potentials:
Death of illusions of safety, security, or innocence. Difficult transitions. Unwillingness to be straight with yourself or others intensifies difficulties.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Feeling helpless or overcome with regrets is a pitfall to avoid as best you can now. Your fears and reluctance to face certain issues make things seem worse than they are. Enter courageously and compassionately into this time, and profound healing can occur.

March 08 2019

Sun Trine Uranus

You have a low tolerance for boredom and following rules today and you make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things.
You don't want to follow anybody else's lead at this time, but fortunately you are able find ways to be yourself and even be a little "crazy" without offending or upsetting others. This is a dynamic and exciting period. Take advantage of any unusual offers or opportunities.

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now. This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite important to you at the moment.

March 09 2019

Sun Square Mars

You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness. Positively, physical energy is high and you could accomplish a great deal.

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-exerting yourself.

March 10 2019

Sun Sextile Sun

Friendship and cooperative endeavors flourish now. You achieve a harmonious balance of giving and receiving, of talking and listening, and any social or joint activity will benefit.

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

March 11 2019

Sun Trine Jupiter

This is a good time for relaxing recreation, a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself and do the things you most enjoy doing. Good humor and optimism prevail now, and you are able to get a larger perspective on your life. This is also a good time to approach someone who is in a position to benefit you spiritually, intellectually, or materially.

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

March 12 2019

Venus Square Saturn

Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a break!

March 13 2019

Saturn Trine Sun

You are very well-organized and disciplined at this time. Your concentration and dedication to a task are very strong, and there are fewer obstacles than usual, allowing you to accomplish a tremendous amount of work now.

This is a cycle of solid achievement. You are on firm footing, and also attract the support of elders, teachers, mentors, or those in authority.
Positive Potentials:
Laying the foundation for future success. Contacting those in positions of power if you believe they can help your cause. Lawsuits or negotiations work in your favor at this time. Work steadily now to ensure future security and well-being.
Negative Potentials:
There is very little negative potential in this, other than the possibility of taking what is available to you for granted.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Historical precedents, tradition, and some part of your heritage is very important and can strengthen you now. Seek out elders and/or your roots.

March 14 2019

Mars Square Pluto

Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in you emerges, and you can be excessively willful, domineering, or compulsive about doing what you want to. You battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious power struggle may ensue. Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. You are likely to push yourself much too hard.

A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

March 15 2019

Mars Conjunct Sun

Action, energy, ambition, and the will to win infuse you now. You take charge in an assertive, direct fashion and you're in no mood to compromise. Confidence runs high, impelling you to strike out on your own, take on a challenge, and give it your very best. Competitive or independent activities are favored.

March 16 2019

Venus Trine Mercury

This is a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings where tact and friendliness would be a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. Also, attending cultural events such as an art show or a play is favored. Thoughts of love, an appreciation for beauty, and an aesthetic enjoyment of your surroundings are brought to the fore. A short pleasure trip would also be beneficial now.

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction, and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are favored.

March 17 2019

Mars Sextile Uranus

Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal for you now, and you want to do something new and out of the ordinary. You also have a lot of energy and quick reflexes. A vigorous game of racquetball or tennis, or some other fast-moving competitive sport would be a good outlet for you now. Acting on your spontaneous impulses and following through on some of your more unusual or "crazy" desires will yield surprises, mostly positive.

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.
The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

March 18 2019

Sun Conjunct Moon

Your inner emotional state of being and your feelings about your life are illuminated now. If all is well with you, especially in your home life, this will be a source of strength and joy. If something is amiss or out of balance, that will be especially evident. Don't avoid or neglect the subtle signals. Give yourself permission to feel, to listen and to "know" with your body and feelings what is so.

March 19 2019

Venus Square Sun

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore, and may interfere with work or complicate situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

March 20 2019

Mars Sextile Jupiter

Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing, are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

March 21 2019

Venus Trine Mars

You feel quite amorous and affectionate now, and will very much want to share this time with someone you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated, and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time.

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

March 22 2019

Venus Trine Neptune

At this time you are more sensitive to beauty and also the feelings and needs of others. It is easy for you to give generously of yourself, for you sympathize strongly with other people and spiritual values are more important than material ones at this time.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

March 23 2019

Venus Sextile Venus

Opportunities for friendship, pleasant associations and enjoyable social interactions occur now. Personal relationships are harmonious and rewarding. Also, financial transactions go smoothly for you and material benefits are possible at this time.

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as well.

March 24 2019

Saturn Square Neptune

This is a very trying time when doubt is cast on your most cherished ideals and lofty dreams. If you are a religious person, you may have the sobering realization of inconsistencies in your spiritual philosophy or hypocrisies within the church.

This is a period of realistically facing illusions, deceptions, addictive or avoidant behavior, and issues you may have been unwilling to see clearly in the past. Serious deficiencies in someone or something you have idealized may cause you to reassess. You may question the depth of your honesty and your commitment to your promises or ideals.
Your mood is one of detachment, disenchantment, and possibly self doubt and cynicism. You tend to see yourself and others in a harsh light, which can generate feelings of guilt and general despondency. Or, you may simply feel spiritually dry and barren, as if the fount of inspiration and comfort had dried up. It's a time of deepening, maturing, sending your roots down even further to tap spiritual nourishment. Practical service or even self-sacrifice, rather than dreamy idealism or airy fantasy, is your path at the moment.
Positive Potentials:
Disciplined efforts to overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to substantial improvements. Reclaiming personal responsibility and personal power. Ability to give up, do without, or sacrifice comfort in order to actualize a dream, "walk your talk" or surrender negative attachments.
Negative Potentials:
A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood. Inability to see the positive elements. Lessened vital energy.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Taking some time alone in quiet surroundings; perhaps a sabbatical or retreat may be helpful. Simplify your life. "Fast" from activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the form of "entertainment", "spirituality", as simply people who drain your emotional resources.
Refrain from making long-term decisions now, as you tend not to see the whole picture at the moment. You may perceive things as darker, harder, and tougher than you will feel they are further down the road. Seek help for addictive patterns you wish to be free of.

March 25 2019

Mars Conjunct Sun

Action, energy, ambition, and the will to win infuse you now. You take charge in an assertive, direct fashion and you're in no mood to compromise. Confidence runs high, impelling you to strike out on your own, take on a challenge, and give it your very best. Competitive or independent activities are favored.

March 26 2019

Sun Conjunct Moon

Your inner emotional state of being and your feelings about your life are illuminated now. If all is well with you, especially in your home life, this will be a source of strength and joy. If something is amiss or out of balance, that will be especially evident. Don't avoid or neglect the subtle signals. Give yourself permission to feel, to listen and to "know" with your body and feelings what is so.

March 27 2019

Jupiter Trine Pluto

You feel confident, outgoing, optimistic, and enterprising. Expansion of business and professional pursuits is likely now. The business you are involved in is likely to attract new customers, develop new products, and receive increased recognition and influence at this time.

This can be a period of remarkable growth, improvement, and a betterment of conditions in all arenas. A troublesome situation or deep problem that you may have been grappling with for some time can begin to turn around or be resolved. Pending legal matters are apt to be favorably resolved, and old issues can be cleared up.
You may discover hidden resources, dormant talents, and unsuspected allies and strengths. This gives you the urge and the confidence to take on a much larger project, to bring your work out to the world in a larger way, or to take on social or community concerns that may not have been possible earlier.
Renewal and regeneration on many levels is the theme. Your physical and psychological health, as well as your financial or professional status will all respond favorably to your efforts to improve, upgrade, or excel.
Positive Potentials:
Wholehearted efforts bring magical results. Encountering people of wisdom, expertise, and vision who can help you. Renewal, rejuvenation, and regeneration.
Negative Potentials:
Tendencies toward excessive ambition are amplified.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your intuition and instincts are excellent right now, and you can let them guide you toward the activities, people, and timing that will benefit you the most. Act with faith and confidence, but remain humble as well.

March 28 2019

Mars Sextile Moon

You easily become fired up emotionally at this time, especially about people, places, or causes you have a strong attachment to from the past (such as your alma mater, your home town, etc.). You care more passionately and respond instinctively and emotionally to whatever happens to you at this time. Also, you are energized and invigorated now and eager to be involved in projects that benefit your children, family, or home.

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

March 29 2019

Saturn Sextile Saturn

Conservative, practical steps towards greater security and stability are achieved at this time. This is a good time for making long-term investments, receiving practical training that will provide you with practical, marketable skills.

Patience, perseverance, and holding firm are called for now. Others may lean on you substantially during this time, and you can be a stabilizing support person in the life of a significant friend, family member or even work associate. While you may or may not think of yourself as a "rock", others will. This is a time to work with what is right at hand and immediately available, doing what needs to be done.
You gain by taking regular small steps in a positive direction, maintaining regularity and order in your life, and doing your best within the limitations of your current situation.
Positive Potentials:
Responsible and realistic attitude. Working harmoniously within an already-established structure or organization. Positive work or professional relationships. Drawing upon a tradition, mentor, or lineage to gain strength. Offering mentoring or the fruits of your life experience to others.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward over-conscientiousness or toward needing to control outcomes or guarantees increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Consider your long-term best interests, and invest your time and attention into what will matter to you most in the long run. Decide what is important and let the rest go for now. Make a real commitment to your health, education, family, relationships or future security and back it up with regular efforts. Think in terms of building a base.

March 30 2019

Jupiter Sextile Neptune

You are able to share ideals and spiritual concerns with others in a very satisfying way at this time. If there is someone that you feel does not understand "where you are coming from", you may find that you are now able to effectively communicate whatever lofty, idealistic, or abstract ideas that are important to you.

Practical considerations and material concerns diminish in importance now, and spiritual, idealistic, and humanitarian impulses come to the fore. There is also an emphasis on joining forces with people who share these interests, so you may become involved with a group devoted to spiritual development, or to the uplifting and improvement of conditions for others. You may be meeting new people, perhaps from a different background than your own, who help open your mind and heart, and widen your understanding of the world. Or, opportunities to travel to an especially intriguing place may arise. You are open to just about anything right now, which is why you are attracting these opportunities. And for the most part, you will be able to integrate and use what you learn and experience to enrich your daily life and relationships.
You do have more of a tendency to splurge on luxury or nonessential items, though, and to become a bit lax when it comes to work or the mundane details of life.
Positive Potentials:
Positive expectations, belief in good outcomes, hope, and faith increase, helping to bring about desired results. Spiritual life flourishes in the company of other seekers. Generosity, compassion, and empathy increase.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward passivity, denial of difficult truths, or over-reliance on luck or providence increases.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is such a benign influence that there's not much likelihood of difficulties or imbalances arising from it, but it would be easy to allow the opportunities for benefit to pass by. If you are able to translate your idealism or compassion into practical action, service, or tangible expression, then do so. Small gestures done with real kindness can mean a lot!

March 31 2019

Mars Sextile Moon

You easily become fired up emotionally at this time, especially about people, places, or causes you have a strong attachment to from the past (such as your alma mater, your home town, etc.). You care more passionately and respond instinctively and emotionally to whatever happens to you at this time. Also, you are energized and invigorated now and eager to be involved in projects that benefit your children, family, or home.

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

April 01 2019

Saturn Trine Sun

You are very well-organized and disciplined at this time. Your concentration and dedication to a task are very strong, and there are fewer obstacles than usual, allowing you to accomplish a tremendous amount of work now.

This is a cycle of solid achievement. You are on firm footing, and also attract the support of elders, teachers, mentors, or those in authority.
Positive Potentials:
Laying the foundation for future success. Contacting those in positions of power if you believe they can help your cause. Lawsuits or negotiations work in your favor at this time. Work steadily now to ensure future security and well-being.
Negative Potentials:
There is very little negative potential in this, other than the possibility of taking what is available to you for granted.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Historical precedents, tradition, and some part of your heritage is very important and can strengthen you now. Seek out elders and/or your roots.

April 02 2019

Sun Sextile Mercury

This is a time when you express yourself very clearly, and conversations, negotiations, and communications of all kinds are cordial and successful. Expect a rapid pace with numerous transactions, letters, phone calls, or errands requiring mental clarity.

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

April 03 2019

Pluto Square Venus

Romance and sexuality are the key issues now. Your sexual drive is particularly strong now, and you are driven by a strong need to achieve a deeper level of fulfillment in your love relationships. At times during this time period you are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings, and you are prone to dispense with reason, logic, rational judgment, ethics, and taboos.

Very deep feelings are stirred in a close friendship or intimate partnership. A loss, betrayal, the death of a relationship - or the threat of such - may plunge you into the depths of your heart. Or, you may fall deeply and helplessly in love with someone now. If so, your relationship with this person may lead you into some very deep, unhealed places within you. Old patterns or intensely karmic relationships are being activated, and much that has been hidden or buried will surface - perhaps forbidden desires and longings, unresolved jealousies, suppressed resentments, unrequited love, or deep grief from previous losses. The force of your feelings may well surprise you, and seem to compel you to behave compulsively and irrationally. Any close relationship in which you are engaged may be the crucible for these intense feelings to emerge, to be experienced, and potentially be released or transformed.
Positive Potentials:
Overcoming and healing old, painful patterns concerning relationships, how you receive and give love, your feelings of worthiness, attractiveness, ability to be loved, etc. The power of love to heal. Coming into truth about your deeper needs, motives, and desires in relationship. An intensification of creativity and passionate expression.
Negative Potentials:
Attraction to a person or situation that is abusive, manipulative, and based on dominance rather than love. Strong negative emotions, obsessions, jealousies, sexual power games. Misuse of charisma and attractiveness by you or the other person. Projecting old pain onto a current friend or intimate partner.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Allow feelings, desires, and passionate longings to surface, even if they seem "wrong" to you, don't make sense, or violate some conventional idea about how you "should" feel. Be as honest as possible about what you feel, need, want, and are choosing to do in your relationships. Allow your heart to open, even if it is breaking, rather than become shut down or bitter.
Express feelings through song, the written or spoken word, dance, movement, or other creative outpouring. The point is to express - not necessarily to make "good" art! Recognize your power to create and to have real love in your life. Give up disempowering, diminishing, unhappy relationships and choose a new way of being in relationship.

April 04 2019

Jupiter Trine Venus

This is a very pleasant time for you. You have a need to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, relax, and collect yourself. Taking a stroll through the woods, visiting a beautiful lake, mountain retreat, or beach appeals to you now. You also enjoy casual activities like strolling through art galleries and markets, buying some art work, and visiting friends.

Light heartedness and easy, comfortable relations typify this time period. You'll be pleasantly unambitious, quite able to relax and enjoy yourself, so this is the perfect time for a vacation (of the melt-in-the-tropical-sun-with-a-pine-colada variety, not a high-intensity or physically demanding adventure). You feel unguarded, open, at ease, expecting things to go well, which attracts positive experiences and outcomes. In fact, you're apt to be quite "lucky" right now, easily attracting love, friendship, and good fortune in small and large ways.
All social gatherings, festivities, celebrations, and artistic or cultural activities and events are highly favored now.
Positive Potentials:
Feelings of generosity, openness, warm heartedness, good humor, willingness to see the good in people and situations. Sharing your wealth and resources. Increased appreciation for beauty, and wanting to enhance and beautify your surroundings. The pleasure of adornment and decoration.
Negative Potentials:
Self-indulgence, excesses, overspending, eating, drinking, or playing.
Remedies and Suggestions:
You may feel so contented that you fail to take the opportunity to reach to others, or to express the gratitude, appreciation, and love you feel. Take the initiative - say and do what's in your heart.
Beware of compulsive and extravagant purchases. This is a good time to invest in beauty, but be sure you can really afford to do so.

April 05 2019

Venus Trine Saturn

This is an excellent time to make decisions about your financial affairs, as your judgement is sound and reliable, though a bit conservative. Investing in beautiful things which are likely to increase in value over time (such as jewelry or fine art) is favored. You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now. Spending "quality time" with an old and trusted friend, or enjoying the company of an experienced, mature person who has much of substance to give you will make you happy.

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile. You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do that.

April 06 2019

Venus Square Mercury

Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss your personal needs and desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your decor or buy something to beautify your surroundings.

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other aesthetic decisions.

April 07 2019

Sun Trine Pluto

This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and outworn in your life, from clutter and disorder in your environment, to an unhealthy relationship or even a long-held attitude or belief which keeps you from going after what you really want in life.
You are also more perceptive than usual. You see other people's true colors more clearly and you may discover a secret or the hidden aspect of some situation.
Something lost, hidden, or forgotten may come to light.

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another day.

April 08 2019

Sun Square Uranus

Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events, and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely.

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some eccentricity.

April 09 2019

Sun Square Jupiter

You are optimistic and possibly extravagant now. You are less cautious than usual, feeling that nothing can possibly go wrong. If you are inclined to overindulge, overspend, or go to excesses in any manner, this tendency is exaggerated at this time.
However, you also aim higher than usual and a very promising opportunity or contact can also occur.

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

April 10 2019

Sun Sextile Mars

Your vitality and courage are strong now and you are eager to meet challenges. You can accomplish a great deal of work, especially if it involves physical effort. If you are active in sports, you will be especially competitive and vigorous now. Self-confidence is high.

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be a successful strategy at this time.

April 11 2019

Sun Conjunct Venus

Your personal magnetism is activated and you easily attract what you need or want at this time. Friendliness and a sweet attitude eases all situations, and all social occasions are highly favored. You radiate love, charm, and your own unique beauty through whatever you do. A significant and very positive friendship or love alliance can be initiated now.

April 12 2019

Venus Square Mars

Tangles in romantic relationships are likely now. Your sexual drive is quite strong, and you may be more concerned with satisfying your own desires than in being sensitive to your partner. All interactions with people of the opposite sex are inclined to be tense right now.

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now. You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more independent.
Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant tendencies.

April 13 2019

Venus Sextile Sun

Opportunities for friendship, cooperation, love, and shared happiness arise. The warmth and good will you generate now is likely to be a benefit to you both now and later on. You feel especially friendly and sociable.

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience.

April 14 2019

Venus Trine Uranus

Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful, adventurous attitude in your relationships make this time period stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual routine, and because you are willing to experiment and to be spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of pace. A new romance or a revitalization of a current one is very likely.

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated, or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise, be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste. You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

April 15 2019

Venus Trine Jupiter

Emotional well-being and contentment characterize this time period. You feel quite relaxed and carefree, and this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting everything to work out well with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at this time, but beware of being overly generous or depending too much on Lady Luck.

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

April 16 2019

Neptune Trine Uranus

Your idealism, creative imagination, and sense of awe and wonder about life are stirred now. The child in you is strong. You are likely to encounter fascinating information on the latest scientific technologies and progressive social movements in the world that stir your imagination and idealism.

During this period your psychic senses are gently activated. You may have more frequent dreams of a highly unusual nature, such as precognitive or predictive dreams, lucid dreams, or dreams in which you receive important spiritual guidance or messages from beyond. You are also more interested in learning about other dimensions of reality and the world beyond the physical, and this is an excellent time to study esoteric or paranormal subjects. Consciousness-expanding studies or practices add greatly to your ordinary, daily life.
Your intuition is heightened now also. Even if you are normally quite concrete-minded and rational, you experience "just knowing" some importance piece of information, or even "channeling" a creative or scientific breakthrough.
Positive Potentials:
Hidden psychic abilities surface in a way that is easy to integrate, rather than disruptive. Inspiration to live according to spiritual ideals and universal principles. Expanded understanding of how the universe operates.
Negative Potentials:
Very little danger of excessiveness or negative experiences, but a hardened heart and mind may be unable to experiences the gift of this time.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Record your dreams, hunches, and any meaningful coincidences or synchronicities that occur to you now. Pay attention to the world around you as if the divine was communicating to you through the animals, plants, events, and people that cross your path. Experiment with fasting for a week from stimulants and intoxicants, and notice the change in your awareness and mental and spiritual clarity.

April 17 2019

Venus Sextile Sun

Opportunities for friendship, cooperation, love, and shared happiness arise. The warmth and good will you generate now is likely to be a benefit to you both now and later on. You feel especially friendly and sociable.

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience.

April 18 2019

Mars Conjunct Mercury

You communicate passionately, forcefully, and convincingly now, with an eye for bringing things to resolution. This is an excellent time to do any kind of intellectual work and to solve problems on a purely rational or pragmatic basis. You may override others' sensitivities or speak more sharply than you intend to, however, so try to temper your arguments with an awareness of the emotional impact of your words.

April 19 2019

Venus Conjunct Moon

Loving affection, tenderness, and a strong appreciation for what's familiar color this day. Your family, children, pets, home, or long time friends are sources of happiness for you, and you'll want to bathe them in love. Indulgence, pampering, and pleasuring - for yourself as well as others - feels like a necessity now. Relationships with women are favored.

April 20 2019

Mercury Conjunct Moon

This is a day of intimate conversation, speaking with women or someone you feel especially close to, and sharing on a personal, feeling level. Your mind turns toward the past, either fondly or regretfully. Telling your story or listening to others' stories and reflecting on your personal history is featured. You may want to spend some part of the day journaling or calling old friends. Thoughts about your home arise now, also. You could enjoy skimming magazines to get ideas for your living space, or even consult a feng shui expert.

April 21 2019

Venus Conjunct Moon

Loving affection, tenderness, and a strong appreciation for what's familiar color this day. Your family, children, pets, home, or long time friends are sources of happiness for you, and you'll want to bathe them in love. Indulgence, pampering, and pleasuring - for yourself as well as others - feels like a necessity now. Relationships with women are favored.

April 22 2019

Mars Conjunct Mercury

You communicate passionately, forcefully, and convincingly now, with an eye for bringing things to resolution. This is an excellent time to do any kind of intellectual work and to solve problems on a purely rational or pragmatic basis. You may override others' sensitivities or speak more sharply than you intend to, however, so try to temper your arguments with an awareness of the emotional impact of your words.

April 23 2019

Saturn Square Neptune

This is a very trying time when doubt is cast on your most cherished ideals and lofty dreams. If you are a religious person, you may have the sobering realization of inconsistencies in your spiritual philosophy or hypocrisies within the church.

This is a period of realistically facing illusions, deceptions, addictive or avoidant behavior, and issues you may have been unwilling to see clearly in the past. Serious deficiencies in someone or something you have idealized may cause you to reassess. You may question the depth of your honesty and your commitment to your promises or ideals.
Your mood is one of detachment, disenchantment, and possibly self doubt and cynicism. You tend to see yourself and others in a harsh light, which can generate feelings of guilt and general despondency. Or, you may simply feel spiritually dry and barren, as if the fount of inspiration and comfort had dried up. It's a time of deepening, maturing, sending your roots down even further to tap spiritual nourishment. Practical service or even self-sacrifice, rather than dreamy idealism or airy fantasy, is your path at the moment.
Positive Potentials:
Disciplined efforts to overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to substantial improvements. Reclaiming personal responsibility and personal power. Ability to give up, do without, or sacrifice comfort in order to actualize a dream, "walk your talk" or surrender negative attachments.
Negative Potentials:
A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood. Inability to see the positive elements. Lessened vital energy.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Taking some time alone in quiet surroundings; perhaps a sabbatical or retreat may be helpful. Simplify your life. "Fast" from activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the form of "entertainment", "spirituality", as simply people who drain your emotional resources.
Refrain from making long-term decisions now, as you tend not to see the whole picture at the moment. You may perceive things as darker, harder, and tougher than you will feel they are further down the road. Seek help for addictive patterns you wish to be free of.

April 24 2019

Neptune Square Mars

Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. You are likely to feel very frustrated and disheartened at times, but don't completely lose faith and throw everything out the window! This is certainly a time of questioning your values, goals, and directions in life, but try to come to rational decisions rather than act simply out of frustration.

Vague feelings of uncertainty, lack of focus or confidence in your direction, and diminished energy may all plague you during this cycle. You will be challenged to maintain your integrity and strength by forces that may not be clearly seen or readily identifiable. On a physical level, you are more prone to toxicities and infections. On a personal level, you could become involved with a situation or person who undermines you.
Your charitable nature and idealism is activated now and you may be drawn into a fight for a "good cause", only to discover that you've been deceived. Beware of spiritual crusades or martyring yourself for a worthy but ultimately lost cause.
Positive Potentials:
This can be a time to refine and redirect your desires, ambitions, and energies into more spiritually satisfying pursuits. Material ambitions become less important and broader concerns come to the fore. Difficulties foster humility and compassion.
Negative Potentials:
A sense of aimlessness, discouragement, insecurity about your effectiveness or worth. Defeats, or a sense of futility. Lessened vitality and immunity. Accidents involving water or intoxication.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Try to maintain a balanced perspective and consult with people you respect and feel are psychologically healthy and well-grounded if you feel out of balance yourself. Scrupulously avoid taking shortcuts that involve any sort of fraud, misrepresentation, or deception. Thoroughly investigate any plan presented to you.
Rest, and do not overtax your body or psyche. Lessen your demands on yourself and be compassionate towards yourself and your needs in this time. Don't try to function in the old way. Avoid operating machinery or vehicles if you have ingested ANY amount of alcohol or drugs.

April 25 2019

Sun Conjunct Venus

Your personal magnetism is activated and you easily attract what you need or want at this time. Friendliness and a sweet attitude eases all situations, and all social occasions are highly favored. You radiate love, charm, and your own unique beauty through whatever you do. A significant and very positive friendship or love alliance can be initiated now.

April 26 2019

Neptune Trine Uranus

Your idealism, creative imagination, and sense of awe and wonder about life are stirred now. The child in you is strong. You are likely to encounter fascinating information on the latest scientific technologies and progressive social movements in the world that stir your imagination and idealism.

During this period your psychic senses are gently activated. You may have more frequent dreams of a highly unusual nature, such as precognitive or predictive dreams, lucid dreams, or dreams in which you receive important spiritual guidance or messages from beyond. You are also more interested in learning about other dimensions of reality and the world beyond the physical, and this is an excellent time to study esoteric or paranormal subjects. Consciousness-expanding studies or practices add greatly to your ordinary, daily life.
Your intuition is heightened now also. Even if you are normally quite concrete-minded and rational, you experience "just knowing" some importance piece of information, or even "channeling" a creative or scientific breakthrough.
Positive Potentials:
Hidden psychic abilities surface in a way that is easy to integrate, rather than disruptive. Inspiration to live according to spiritual ideals and universal principles. Expanded understanding of how the universe operates.
Negative Potentials:
Very little danger of excessiveness or negative experiences, but a hardened heart and mind may be unable to experiences the gift of this time.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Record your dreams, hunches, and any meaningful coincidences or synchronicities that occur to you now. Pay attention to the world around you as if the divine was communicating to you through the animals, plants, events, and people that cross your path. Experiment with fasting for a week from stimulants and intoxicants, and notice the change in your awareness and mental and spiritual clarity.

April 27 2019

Mercury Sextile Mercury

A non-stop flow of communication between yourself and the people in your immediate environment is likely today. You may engage in interesting and informative discussions or fritter your time away in inconsequential chatter and gossip. Mental curiosity or restlessness may also impel you to take a short trip or visit.

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now, including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across, reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

April 28 2019

Mars Conjunct Mars

The courage to act decisively on your own behalf, to take the initiative, and to risk new ventures infuses you now. You confront issues head on rather than evade or avoid them, with the intention of standing up for your legitimate rights. If you are of a forceful temperament to begin with you may be pushy, overly aggressive, or come on too strong. Your physical and vital energies are stimulated and you need to be doing, acting, achieving, and taking charge. Strive to be forthright and brave, without being contentious.

April 29 2019

Mars Sextile Pluto

You may be considering a major overhaul or revision in your ambitions at this time. If you do not have a sense of meaningful purpose or a passionate commitment to anything, you will want to reassess where you are going and why. If you do have a clear goal, you can make significant progress and work with great satisfaction now. An opportunity to do what you really want to do is likely.

Your passion, zeal, and inner courage are intensified now, making you enormously effective. You are super-motivated and can tackle tough challenges with confidence. You may take something old and completely re-do, re-make, revise, or renew it. Your creative power is flowing!

April 30 2019

Mars Trine Neptune

You do not feel very sharp, competitive, or aggressive at this time. Feelings of relaxation, receptivity, passivity, or aimlessness are likely and you tend to avoid stressful confrontations or situations that demand too much of you. Goals and desires that normally seem so important - especially ones in which you are pushing your own interests - do not matter quite as much now. Your imagination is stimulated, and you need activities and entertainments that are colorful, out the ordinary, and definitely not mundane.

You want to DO something you usually only fantasize about or normally consider lovely but unrealistic. You need to take concrete steps - even if only small ones - in the direction of a dream. Doing so will give you energy and can stimulate possibilities and opportunities you never imagined before. A magical moment!

May 01 2019

Mercury Square Uranus

Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once, and tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your head or jaws - then proceed.

May 02 2019

Mercury Square Jupiter

Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the facts, which can result in an error in judgement. Try not to be lax about important details.

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway friends.

May 03 2019

Mercury Trine Pluto

There is great depth to your conversations. You find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters, and also asking very penetrating questions of others. Superficial answers don't satisfy you now. This is an excellent time to investigate a complex problem or mystery, look for something that has been lost or hidden, and also to learn more about your own inner depths.

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

May 04 2019

Mercury Conjunct Venus

Loving thoughts and appreciative words benefit both casual and more significant relationships. Expressing love and beauty is the theme now. You will not want to talk about or focus on anything heavy or unsettling. Write a love note, watch a light romantic comedy, make something beautiful with your hands, design a garden or a quilt, and receive affection graciously!

May 05 2019

Venus Sextile Mercury

This is a very good time to go to the theatre, an art exhibit, or social gathering. You want to see beautiful things and exchange pleasantries with others. In fact, matters of the heart are on your mind and you may want to play match-maker now.

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction, and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are favored.

May 06 2019

Mars Sextile Venus

Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsive to loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another - at this time you really want to express it and show it physically. An opportunity for a new romance or friendship is likely to surface now and work out quite nicely for you.

This is a wonderful moment for romance! You're in a loving, amorous mood, and if you have no lover at the moment, make something beautiful, luscious, and appealing in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now. Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially satisfying.

May 07 2019

Venus Square Uranus

You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a stable, predictable relationship that offers little excitement. You may be highly attracted to someone new, simply because of the novelty and possibilities for adventure. Also, your friends or love partner may behave in unexpected ways. Flexibility and openmindedness in your relationships is called for now.

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

May 08 2019

Venus Trine Pluto

You have a special magnetism and attractive power now, and you are feeling intensely loving also. Your relationships, particularly sexual or romantic ones, intensify and have a deep, compelling, urgent quality. Your inner feelings and needs for love and closeness emerge very strongly. You may also channel some of these feelings into creative or artistic, work, something that evokes and expresses your deepest self.

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

May 09 2019

Venus Square Jupiter

This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease, and have luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship. It's a good time for a party, as long as you don't overdo it.

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

May 10 2019

Venus Sextile Mars

Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings flow between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened at this time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

May 11 2019

Venus Conjunct Venus

Your power of attraction is strongly magnified today, and you may draw a special friendship, romance, or other gift into your life. This could be the beginning of a beautiful new love or the time to reestablish the heart connection between yourself and a beloved. Intimate sharing, pleasure, and simply being in love is what matters to you. The beauties of flowers, the earth, and all of your senses are intensified. Visit a garden, perfumery, or chocolatier. Wear shades of rose, pink, or soft greens to heighten the effect.

May 12 2019

Mars Square Moon

At this time you are prone to irritability, temper tantrums, and flying off the handle for slim reasons. You are also impatient and inclined to rush unnecessarily, which can cause accidents or bruised feelings of the part of the people you live with or work closely with. You are in a fighting mood and stand up for your rights more readily than usual, but beware of the tendency to be abrasive and insensitive.

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

May 13 2019

Sun Square Pluto

Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a situation come to light now.
The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating others, and the subtle ways you try to control situations or other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you find yourself dealing with the more difficult, dark, tyrannical side in other people.
Also, this can be a time when you are forced to confront and deal with something which is no longer working - from old, outworn possessions to an unhealthy relationship or a deeply ingrained, self-defeating attitude.

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up. If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges, and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark comes up now.

May 14 2019

Sun Sextile Uranus

Acting on impulse, changing your usual routine, improvising and using your intuition rather than following a prescribed, logical way of doing things is called for now. The tempo of your life accelerates now. Expect a rather inconstant, unpredictable, but interesting time.

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now. This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite important to you at the moment.

May 15 2019

Sun Sextile Jupiter

Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others will work out very much to your advantage now. A friend or person in authority may offer help or present an opportunity which will benefit you now or in the future. Also, you will reap rewards later for the generosity and aid you extend to others at this time.

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

May 16 2019

Mercury Square Pluto

It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend to force your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you have figured it out.

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

May 17 2019

Mercury Conjunct Sun

Active communication, making phone calls and connections, open discussions or forums, reading, thinking, and the power of expressive language is the theme for today. What you say now matters and makes an impact, so be certain you really mean it. Writing, lecturing, or any activity that involves words and ideas is favored.

May 18 2019

Mercury Sextile Uranus

You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now.

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake and interested.

May 19 2019

Mercury Sextile Jupiter

You are optimistic, hopeful, and forward-looking at this time. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams and also being more receptive to others' thoughts and point of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now. Send and receive inspiring messages.

May 20 2019

Neptune Trine Jupiter

Your imagination is stirred, you feel inspired, restless, and ready for bigger and better things in your life. You want to break out of your usual routine and explore more imaginative and creative options.

A mood of spiritual optimism, of being buoyed up from within, colors this time period. You feel more expanded and open, and yearn for grand and spacious vistas - the ocean perhaps, or some other vast, expansive place. You are also attracted to travel for spiritual refreshment, learning, and growth. Your mundane concerns don't matter quite so much now, and you may find your ambitions subtly changing and moving away from material accomplishment alone. Religious studies, metaphysical pursuits, or charitable causes are more your focus.
Positive Potentials:
Openness to miracles, magic, and the help of unseen forces. Increased sense of trust, hope, and optimism born of your connection to something greater. Spiritual pilgrimage. Increased compassionate concern for a wider circle, rising above petty personal self-gain. Using music or the arts for enlightenment or healing.
Negative Potentials:
A certain passivity, irresponsibility toward material obligations, indolence, and over-reliance on providence or the good will of others is possible, but only if you already lean that way. Unrealistic expectations and big dreams, the tendency to gamble foolishly.
Remedies and Suggestions:
As long as you avoid the above mentioned passive, irresponsible attitude, you should enjoy this time immensely. Commit yourself to one ACTION a day that is aligned with your ideals and compassion - perhaps a "random act of kindness" for a stranger.

May 21 2019

Mars Square Moon

At this time you are prone to irritability, temper tantrums, and flying off the handle for slim reasons. You are also impatient and inclined to rush unnecessarily, which can cause accidents or bruised feelings of the part of the people you live with or work closely with. You are in a fighting mood and stand up for your rights more readily than usual, but beware of the tendency to be abrasive and insensitive.

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

May 22 2019

Mercury Conjunct Sun

Active communication, making phone calls and connections, open discussions or forums, reading, thinking, and the power of expressive language is the theme for today. What you say now matters and makes an impact, so be certain you really mean it. Writing, lecturing, or any activity that involves words and ideas is favored.

May 23 2019

Mercury Sextile Moon

You feel inclined to speak to others about your innermost feelings, your past, and other personal subjects, which builds closeness and trust in your relationships, especially with women. You are also a sympathetic listener, drawing out others' feelings and personal experiences.
You may hear from someone from the past or reach out to someone you have a long history with or who was once very important in your life.

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

May 24 2019

Sun Sextile Moon

Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and ameliorate problems in your home life.

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the moment.

May 25 2019

Neptune Square Mars

Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. You are likely to feel very frustrated and disheartened at times, but don't completely lose faith and throw everything out the window! This is certainly a time of questioning your values, goals, and directions in life, but try to come to rational decisions rather than act simply out of frustration.

Vague feelings of uncertainty, lack of focus or confidence in your direction, and diminished energy may all plague you during this cycle. You will be challenged to maintain your integrity and strength by forces that may not be clearly seen or readily identifiable. On a physical level, you are more prone to toxicities and infections. On a personal level, you could become involved with a situation or person who undermines you.
Your charitable nature and idealism is activated now and you may be drawn into a fight for a "good cause", only to discover that you've been deceived. Beware of spiritual crusades or martyring yourself for a worthy but ultimately lost cause.
Positive Potentials:
This can be a time to refine and redirect your desires, ambitions, and energies into more spiritually satisfying pursuits. Material ambitions become less important and broader concerns come to the fore. Difficulties foster humility and compassion.
Negative Potentials:
A sense of aimlessness, discouragement, insecurity about your effectiveness or worth. Defeats, or a sense of futility. Lessened vitality and immunity. Accidents involving water or intoxication.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Try to maintain a balanced perspective and consult with people you respect and feel are psychologically healthy and well-grounded if you feel out of balance yourself. Scrupulously avoid taking shortcuts that involve any sort of fraud, misrepresentation, or deception. Thoroughly investigate any plan presented to you.
Rest, and do not overtax your body or psyche. Lessen your demands on yourself and be compassionate towards yourself and your needs in this time. Don't try to function in the old way. Avoid operating machinery or vehicles if you have ingested ANY amount of alcohol or drugs.

May 26 2019

Pluto Sextile Saturn

Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. You are likely to adopt a rather austere and intense routine during this time period. You stubbornly pursue your interests, and you are willing to work long hours without complaint.

Whatever you do now, you do with seriousness and an in-depth approach. You have self-discipline that borders on self-denial, the capacity to make do with very little if need be, and the ability to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You want to focus exclusively on your ambitions and what is important to you, eliminating distractions and superfluous involvements. Relationships that you have outgrown or which take your energy away from your deeper aims are likely to be put aside for now or to end altogether. Socially, you may withdraw or need to sever ties with people who are not truly aligned with your best long-term interests. Necessary separations may be part of the picture.
Hard work, long periods of study, and concentrated efforts are laying the groundwork for long-lasting achievements. Inner work is also taking place. You have the opportunity to let go of old ghosts from the past and eliminate self-defeating beliefs, attitudes, and patterns.
Positive Potentials:
The capacity for thorough, painstaking work. The emergence of a deep sense of purpose, and the will to fulfill it. Resolving old, unfinished business and eliminating toxic people or attitudes from your life.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward fanatic workaholism or extremism in any form may increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
View whatever losses, disappointments, or endings in the professional or personal area of your life that occur now as necessary and helpful to you, even if they are painful in the immediate instance. Avoid blame or recriminations.
Give yourself credit for the work you are doing now, and know that your patient, constant efforts are building something worthwhile.

May 27 2019

Mercury Conjunct Mercury

You are fluent, communicative, curious, and alert today. Words fly off your tongue quite easily now and you may speak before you even realize it. This is a good time to learn something new, perhaps take a short trip to satisfy your intellectual side. Conversation and meeting of the minds is featured.

May 28 2019

Mercury Conjunct Mercury

You are fluent, communicative, curious, and alert today. Words fly off your tongue quite easily now and you may speak before you even realize it. This is a good time to learn something new, perhaps take a short trip to satisfy your intellectual side. Conversation and meeting of the minds is featured.

May 29 2019

Neptune Trine Jupiter

Your imagination is stirred, you feel inspired, restless, and ready for bigger and better things in your life. You want to break out of your usual routine and explore more imaginative and creative options.

A mood of spiritual optimism, of being buoyed up from within, colors this time period. You feel more expanded and open, and yearn for grand and spacious vistas - the ocean perhaps, or some other vast, expansive place. You are also attracted to travel for spiritual refreshment, learning, and growth. Your mundane concerns don't matter quite so much now, and you may find your ambitions subtly changing and moving away from material accomplishment alone. Religious studies, metaphysical pursuits, or charitable causes are more your focus.
Positive Potentials:
Openness to miracles, magic, and the help of unseen forces. Increased sense of trust, hope, and optimism born of your connection to something greater. Spiritual pilgrimage. Increased compassionate concern for a wider circle, rising above petty personal self-gain. Using music or the arts for enlightenment or healing.
Negative Potentials:
A certain passivity, irresponsibility toward material obligations, indolence, and over-reliance on providence or the good will of others is possible, but only if you already lean that way. Unrealistic expectations and big dreams, the tendency to gamble foolishly.
Remedies and Suggestions:
As long as you avoid the above mentioned passive, irresponsible attitude, you should enjoy this time immensely. Commit yourself to one ACTION a day that is aligned with your ideals and compassion - perhaps a "random act of kindness" for a stranger.

May 30 2019

Mercury Conjunct Mars

Honest, forthright discussions and clear powerful decision-making characterize this time. You may become impatient with another's vagueness or waffling, and move to act on your own. Beware of sharp words said in haste, aggressive driving, or wasting your energy in needless arguments. Certainly you can hold your own in any discussion or negotiation, but you may come on too strong.

May 31 2019

Mercury Sextile Pluto

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind-the-scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy stores, mystery, and supernatural stories.

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

June 01 2019

Venus Square Pluto

Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble in your closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not. Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to create something new.

June 02 2019

Mercury Trine Neptune

You are inspired creatively, artistically, or spiritually at this time. Your imagination, intuition, and psychic sensitivity are high now, and you find yourself wanting to paint or listen to music, daydream, or fantasize rather than concentrate on practical matters.

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

June 03 2019

Venus Sextile Uranus

This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated, or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise, be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste. You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

June 04 2019

Mercury Square Moon

Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and you may not be very objective.
This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.
Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about and reflecting on the past is likely.

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to do so now. Phone home!

June 05 2019

Venus Sextile Jupiter

Both friendship and material benefits may well come to you at this time. You feel very sociable and gregarious, and seek conviviality, especially with people who really know how to have a good time. Charitable and philanthropic impulses are stronger now, also, and should be followed with positive action on your part.

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

June 06 2019

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Initiating communication, conversations, and interchanges of all kinds is highlighted now. You express your thoughts easily and clearly, you know what you want to say and you are interested and curious about others' thoughts and opinions. Commercial trading and negotiations of any kind are favored.

June 07 2019

Mars Trine Saturn

Your concentration is excellent now and you are serious about your work. You want to focus on real accomplishment and avoid frivolity and distractions. You may fruitfully tackle difficult, disagreeable tasks or work that usually frustrates you, for your patience and ability to do painstaking work is brought out now. Self-control and self-discipline are required of you at this time, but fortunately, they yield positive results in the long run.

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or problem-solving is featured.

June 08 2019

Sun Conjunct Mars

The active, willful, decisive and ambitious part of your nature is energized and you are ready to initiate a new project or take on your challenges with zest. If you tend to be a hothead, lookout! This tendency is certainly exacerbated now. On the other hand, if you tend to hold yourself back or to be passive, you'll feel a vitalizing sense of your power. Strong desires are activated and motivate you to action.

June 09 2019

Sun Sextile Pluto

There are opportunities for deep sharing, and powerful, meaningful contacts with others, especially people who share common goals or ideals. An opportunity for a leadership role is also likely.

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another day.

June 10 2019

Mars Trine Saturn

Your concentration is excellent now and you are serious about your work. You want to focus on real accomplishment and avoid frivolity and distractions. You may fruitfully tackle difficult, disagreeable tasks or work that usually frustrates you, for your patience and ability to do painstaking work is brought out now. Self-control and self-discipline are required of you at this time, but fortunately, they yield positive results in the long run.

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or problem-solving is featured.

June 11 2019

Venus Sextile Moon

This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable, loving, and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements or beautifying your surroundings in some way is also favored now.

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

June 12 2019

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Initiating communication, conversations, and interchanges of all kinds is highlighted now. You express your thoughts easily and clearly, you know what you want to say and you are interested and curious about others' thoughts and opinions. Commercial trading and negotiations of any kind are favored.

June 13 2019

Mars Conjunct Uranus

Now is a moment for quick, decisive action which may seem (or be!) reckless, risky, or way out of the ordinary. A craving for freshness and freedom makes you bold, and you may upset a few apple carts. You tend to be impatient and abrupt with people who slow you down, and brutally frank as well. Try not to put yourself in situations that call for forbearance or tact, as your outbursts may surprise even you!
Too much speed can spell trouble also. However if you've been mustering your courage to do something you really need to do, this is the time.

June 14 2019

Mars Conjunct Jupiter

Energetic efforts combine with optimism to create success. You're feeling strong and positive on all levels; it is an ideal time to engage in business, to take action steps to realize a dream, or simply to accomplish whatever you want or need. Expect positive results and you will get them .... Your timing is excellent!

June 15 2019

Mars Square Neptune

This can be a very depleting and confusing time, when you do not know exactly what you want or you do not feel strong, capable, or effective. Physically, you need to be gentle with yourself and take care not to dissipate your energy reserves. Your imagination can run wild now, and you want to act out a fantasy or strange desire - something you normally would have the good sense not to attempt. However, if you are an artist, this is a very inspired, fertile time for you.

You may be a bit unfocused or unsure of how to direct your energy at the moment. Circumstances may be confusing, strange, or in flux. It's fine not to do anything right now. Trying to press forward will yield mixed results. Avoid extremes, quixotic missions, or acting on ill-considered impulses.

June 16 2019

Mars Sextile Sun

Your physical drive and energy level are high now, and you can accomplish a great deal fairly easily. You are inclined to take the initiative or to strike out on your own, and you are likely to be successful at what you attempt at this time. Because you assert yourself in a positive manner, a leadership role or an opportunity to do something you have wanted to do on your own is likely to be offered to you.

Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports, outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make whatever you do now a race or contest!

June 17 2019

Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Today there could be an out-of-the-blue phone call that really surprises you, a conversation that takes you into unexpected places. Ideas are flying around and your mind is buzzing. You may come to a quick decision based more on impulse or intuitive perception than on logic, or have a sudden realization. Slow down just a bit, breath deeply, and let yourself think it through.

June 18 2019

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

Your thinking and your conversations turn to large topics, future trends, and inspirational themes. You are considering what is important to you in the long run. You can see the patterns and themes which weave together many pieces into a coherent whole. As a result, you have a more humorous and tolerant outlook. Practically speaking, this is a good time to write for a large audience, to get something out to be published, to make business contacts, or to speak in public.

June 19 2019

Sun Square Moon

Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part.
A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive or negative.

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes, or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now. Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

June 20 2019

Mercury Square Neptune

Mental clarity, discrimination, and your ability to separate fact from fiction is diminished now. Miscommunications and an inability to formulate your ideas coherently are likely. Your mind wanders, and this can be a time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding contracts at this time.

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

June 21 2019

Venus Conjunct Mercury

Your awareness of love, relationship, aesthetics, and beauty is enhanced. You have an eye for what goes together, or what's appealing and pleasing, so you may do some rearranging or suddenly notice the graciousness (or lack of it) in your surroundings. This is an ideal time to send notes of appreciation or to have a love talk with your sweetheart. You are able to verbally express feelings, desires, and wishes that would be harder to articulate at other times. Creative writing, designing, and cultural affairs are favored.

June 22 2019

Mars Square Venus

Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more, and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other. Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time.

Powerful desires and amorous feelings are stimulated now perhaps through an enticing interaction or personal encounter. You take the lead in social situations or attract personal attention. Coming on too strong, not picking up on subtle cues, or being inappropriate in a social sense are pitfalls of this time. Strive for a balance between taking the initiative and being sensitive and aware of others' needs and wants. If you are usually shy and unassertive, this is your moment to come out and take a risk even if you're a bit awkward.

June 23 2019

Mercury Square Venus

You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now.

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm. It is a much better time to go shopping!

June 24 2019

Mercury Trine Moon

It is easy for you to talk about your feelings now, and also to listen sensitively to not only what others are saying but also what they are feeling. This is an excellent time to discuss your feelings and clear the air on any grievances you may be holding on to from the past. Your communication with women is especially good at this time.

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

June 25 2019

Venus Conjunct Mars

Selfish or competitive impulses are softened by a desire for harmony, relatedness, and connection. Activities that combine power or passion with grace are favored now, as in dancing, playing music, making art or love, or perhaps some kinds of sports. Doing something vigorous with a lover or friends, rather than just talking or hanging out, would be ideal. Affectionate feelings can intensify into an adoring romance.

June 26 2019

Venus Sextile Pluto

Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

June 27 2019

Mars Trine Moon

Your feelings run hot now, and you are more likely to act on instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason. Your responses to life are passionate, and also more natural, childlike, and direct. High spirited physical play, lovemaking, or any activity that really involves you emotionally (such as a rock concert, a rousing football game, etc.) will be very gratifying to you now.

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

June 28 2019

Mars Sextile Sun

Your physical drive and energy level are high now, and you can accomplish a great deal fairly easily. You are inclined to take the initiative or to strike out on your own, and you are likely to be successful at what you attempt at this time. Because you assert yourself in a positive manner, a leadership role or an opportunity to do something you have wanted to do on your own is likely to be offered to you.

Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports, outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make whatever you do now a race or contest!

June 29 2019

Mars Square Venus

Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more, and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other. Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time.

Powerful desires and amorous feelings are stimulated now perhaps through an enticing interaction or personal encounter. You take the lead in social situations or attract personal attention. Coming on too strong, not picking up on subtle cues, or being inappropriate in a social sense are pitfalls of this time. Strive for a balance between taking the initiative and being sensitive and aware of others' needs and wants. If you are usually shy and unassertive, this is your moment to come out and take a risk even if you're a bit awkward.

June 30 2019

Sun Square Moon

Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part.
A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive or negative.

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes, or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now. Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

July 01 2019

Mars Trine Moon

Your feelings run hot now, and you are more likely to act on instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason. Your responses to life are passionate, and also more natural, childlike, and direct. High spirited physical play, lovemaking, or any activity that really involves you emotionally (such as a rock concert, a rousing football game, etc.) will be very gratifying to you now.

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

July 02 2019

Mercury Trine Moon

It is easy for you to talk about your feelings now, and also to listen sensitively to not only what others are saying but also what they are feeling. This is an excellent time to discuss your feelings and clear the air on any grievances you may be holding on to from the past. Your communication with women is especially good at this time.

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

July 03 2019

Venus Square Moon

The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted, and may do something "maternal" on impulse (such as take home a stray kitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets, shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding with them.

July 04 2019

Mars Square Neptune

This can be a very depleting and confusing time, when you do not know exactly what you want or you do not feel strong, capable, or effective. Physically, you need to be gentle with yourself and take care not to dissipate your energy reserves. Your imagination can run wild now, and you want to act out a fantasy or strange desire - something you normally would have the good sense not to attempt. However, if you are an artist, this is a very inspired, fertile time for you.

You may be a bit unfocused or unsure of how to direct your energy at the moment. Circumstances may be confusing, strange, or in flux. It's fine not to do anything right now. Trying to press forward will yield mixed results. Avoid extremes, quixotic missions, or acting on ill-considered impulses.

July 05 2019

Sun Trine Saturn

Today it is easy for you to concentrate on your work, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual. This is a good time to tackle mundane chores and practical business.

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong, but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

July 06 2019

Venus Sextile Venus

Opportunities for friendship, pleasant associations and enjoyable social interactions occur now. Personal relationships are harmonious and rewarding. Also, financial transactions go smoothly for you and material benefits are possible at this time.

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as well.

July 07 2019

Mercury Square Venus

You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now.

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm. It is a much better time to go shopping!

July 08 2019

Pluto Trine Sun

Your concentration, dedication, and resolute determination to achieve your personal goals is never stronger than now. This is a time when you make major changes in yourself and your position in the world.

This is a period to make changes that will lead to regeneration, revitalization, and renewal on many levels. Physically you may decide to upgrade the quality of your diet, to begin exercising or body building, or begin some mind/body healing program. You will also be reconnecting or connecting more strongly with what gives you a sense of meaning, joy, enthusiasm, and passion. Though these changes may seem subtle, they penetrate deeply into your core.
Positive Potentials:
Reversal of the aging process. Moving from a defeatist or victim stance to one of self-creation and empowerment. Greater ability to focus, concentrate, and follow through on personal goals. Commitment to living your life's purpose.
Negative Potentials:
Pursuing ambitions, goals, or self-change regimens over-zealously.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your creativity and need for self-expression will intensify and deepen, and a renewed commitment to living authentically and from your core may intimidate those around you. You may be accused of being too self absorbed or selfish; know these voices for what they are - the fears and self-serving concerns of others - and don't buy into them.
Unless you are already primarily selfish and self-serving, you will not suddenly become so now.

July 09 2019

Sun Conjunct Uranus

Your eccentric, impulsive, or rebellious side comes out in surprising ways, breaking you out of your normal patterns and routines. Especially if you've been craving excitement or have little opportunity for spontaneity, you may want to break free for a change. However, if you hold back all of this, minor upsets and disruptions may occur in the world around as you unconsciously "ask" for some surprises. This isn't the ideal time to interact with authorities, or anyone who manages, regulates, or governs your life, either.

July 10 2019

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

July 11 2019

Sun Square Neptune

Confusion, inability to focus on mundane tasks, poor understanding or miscommunication between yourself and others, and the desire to evade real responsibilities and challenges are negative potentials for you now. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality. You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or playing "let's pretend".

July 12 2019

Sun Conjunct Uranus

Your eccentric, impulsive, or rebellious side comes out in surprising ways, breaking you out of your normal patterns and routines. Especially if you've been craving excitement or have little opportunity for spontaneity, you may want to break free for a change. However, if you hold back all of this, minor upsets and disruptions may occur in the world around as you unconsciously "ask" for some surprises. This isn't the ideal time to interact with authorities, or anyone who manages, regulates, or governs your life, either.

July 13 2019

Sun Square Venus

Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure, is strong now and you act on feelings and creative impulses more readily than usual. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personal life, these issues arise at this time and there may be disagreements or tension in a close relationship.

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend. Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

July 14 2019

Sun Sextile Sun

Friendship and cooperative endeavors flourish now. You achieve a harmonious balance of giving and receiving, of talking and listening, and any social or joint activity will benefit.

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

July 15 2019

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

July 16 2019

Sun Square Neptune

Confusion, inability to focus on mundane tasks, poor understanding or miscommunication between yourself and others, and the desire to evade real responsibilities and challenges are negative potentials for you now. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality. You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or playing "let's pretend".

July 17 2019

Venus Trine Saturn

This is an excellent time to make decisions about your financial affairs, as your judgement is sound and reliable, though a bit conservative. Investing in beautiful things which are likely to increase in value over time (such as jewelry or fine art) is favored. You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now. Spending "quality time" with an old and trusted friend, or enjoying the company of an experienced, mature person who has much of substance to give you will make you happy.

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile. You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do that.

July 18 2019

Venus Conjunct Uranus

An electric attraction, especially to someone who is unconventional, "inappropriate", or so different from you that you hardly would have considered it before, may come and go like a meteor! You're feeling socially and romantically adventurous, if not downright kinky, and you need a way to express it. Some high-energy dancing or music, or some diverting entertainment, might be just the thing. Friends and lovers can be unpredictable now, perhaps in need of some space.

July 19 2019

Mars Square Saturn

This is likely to be a time of considerable frustration and discouragement for you. You are unusually sensitive to criticism of your efforts and to the limitations and restraints that your responsibilities entail. Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility. A sense of struggle or of being overwhelmed by obstacles and blockages is likely to characterize this period. Be patient and don't demand too much of yourself at this time. Work quietly and steadily and rely only on your own resources.

At this moment you do not want to waste time or energy and you may be impatient with those situations or people who seem to stand in your way or thwart your will. Resentment and an adversarial attitude may surface, especially towards those who have an easier time of it. You may be tempted to lash out at others who are really not the cause of your frustration but are simply safe targets. Instead of moving with these destructive attitudes, turn to what you can do in your own court. Self-reliance, patience, and even hard or disagreeable work can turn this time into a productive one. Find ways to relieve stress (that don't involve hurting others!)

July 20 2019

Sun Trine Moon

At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making connections with people and also to discover what gives real emotional nourishment and fulfillment.

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the moment.

July 21 2019

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

Happy, expansive feelings and a generous desire to share and spread the joy color your day. This is the ideal occasion for a festive, lavish affair, a gala, or just a great time with friends - the more the merrier.
You're apt to be extravagant with gifts, for yourself as well as others, and this is an auspicious time to invest in art, fine jewelry, or other high quality valuables. In fact, going to excess is your only problem now. If you're watching your weight or your budget, you'll be quite tempted to let those limits go for the moment. This isn't the day to deprive yourself, but try to consider the consequences!

July 22 2019

Mercury Sextile Sun

This is a busy time; communicating and getting in touch with others is very likely. Numerous phone calls, letters, meetings, errands, or discussions bring you into contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus.

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

July 23 2019

Venus Conjunct Uranus

An electric attraction, especially to someone who is unconventional, "inappropriate", or so different from you that you hardly would have considered it before, may come and go like a meteor! You're feeling socially and romantically adventurous, if not downright kinky, and you need a way to express it. Some high-energy dancing or music, or some diverting entertainment, might be just the thing. Friends and lovers can be unpredictable now, perhaps in need of some space.

July 24 2019

Sun Trine Moon

At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making connections with people and also to discover what gives real emotional nourishment and fulfillment.

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the moment.

July 25 2019

Mars Square Saturn

This is likely to be a time of considerable frustration and discouragement for you. You are unusually sensitive to criticism of your efforts and to the limitations and restraints that your responsibilities entail. Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility. A sense of struggle or of being overwhelmed by obstacles and blockages is likely to characterize this period. Be patient and don't demand too much of yourself at this time. Work quietly and steadily and rely only on your own resources.

At this moment you do not want to waste time or energy and you may be impatient with those situations or people who seem to stand in your way or thwart your will. Resentment and an adversarial attitude may surface, especially towards those who have an easier time of it. You may be tempted to lash out at others who are really not the cause of your frustration but are simply safe targets. Instead of moving with these destructive attitudes, turn to what you can do in your own court. Self-reliance, patience, and even hard or disagreeable work can turn this time into a productive one. Find ways to relieve stress (that don't involve hurting others!)

July 26 2019

Venus Trine Moon

You are in a mood to relax and enjoy harmonious surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of particular pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or pamper them in some way. Appreciation for your home and a desire to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also.

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

July 27 2019

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

Your thinking and your conversations turn to large topics, future trends, and inspirational themes. You are considering what is important to you in the long run. You can see the patterns and themes which weave together many pieces into a coherent whole. As a result, you have a more humorous and tolerant outlook. Practically speaking, this is a good time to write for a large audience, to get something out to be published, to make business contacts, or to speak in public.

July 28 2019

Mars Sextile Mercury

You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack" intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if you brainstorm with others. You also tend to make up your mind very quickly and decisively now, and to translate your ideas into action.

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

July 29 2019

Venus Trine Moon

You are in a mood to relax and enjoy harmonious surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of particular pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or pamper them in some way. Appreciation for your home and a desire to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also.

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

July 30 2019

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Powerful desires, feelings, and inner courage are stimulated now. You feel unusually driven and can work intensively without a break as long as you are doing what you want. Your zeal makes you unstoppable. Old problems and unresolved trouble spots may surface now too, especially regarding your need to be in control or to assert yourself.

July 31 2019

Mars Square Sun

You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now, particularly when your will is blocked. Your pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time. Also, you are impatient and tend to behave in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to accidents during this period.

You're apt to be impatient and to use more force than is called for when minor differences arise. You may instigate, aggravate, or stir up trouble either without realizing it (by being too loud, overstepping others' boundaries, or making assumptions), or even on purpose. You could use this abundance of energy for accomplishment, if you so choose. Tone down aggressive tendencies by wearing soft shades of blue, lavender, or pink, and avoid red or orange.

August 01 2019

Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Today there could be an out-of-the-blue phone call that really surprises you, a conversation that takes you into unexpected places. Ideas are flying around and your mind is buzzing. You may come to a quick decision based more on impulse or intuitive perception than on logic, or have a sudden realization. Slow down just a bit, breath deeply, and let yourself think it through.

August 02 2019

Mars Square Sun

You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now, particularly when your will is blocked. Your pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time. Also, you are impatient and tend to behave in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to accidents during this period.

You're apt to be impatient and to use more force than is called for when minor differences arise. You may instigate, aggravate, or stir up trouble either without realizing it (by being too loud, overstepping others' boundaries, or making assumptions), or even on purpose. You could use this abundance of energy for accomplishment, if you so choose. Tone down aggressive tendencies by wearing soft shades of blue, lavender, or pink, and avoid red or orange.

August 03 2019

Mars Sextile Neptune

This is not a period when you feel like pushing your own interests, or in which you are especially energetic. Other people's concerns and needs receive more attention from you now, and you are more motivated to do something which serves others, perhaps a group you are affiliated with. Cooperating with others for some idealistic purpose is very satisfying for you at this time.

You want to DO something you usually only fantasize about or normally consider lovely but unrealistic. You need to take concrete steps - even if only small ones - in the direction of a dream. Doing so will give you energy and can stimulate possibilities and opportunities you never imagined before. A magical moment!

August 04 2019

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Powerful desires, feelings, and inner courage are stimulated now. You feel unusually driven and can work intensively without a break as long as you are doing what you want. Your zeal makes you unstoppable. Old problems and unresolved trouble spots may surface now too, especially regarding your need to be in control or to assert yourself.

August 05 2019

Mars Trine Venus

Right now you are more magnetic and sexually attractive, and your love life is likely to be both harmonious and satisfying. You experience a positive flow of warmth and friendliness between yourself and others, and you are stimulated and energized by your casual interactions with others of the opposite sex. Creative and artistic efforts also flourish at this time.

This is a wonderful moment for romance! You're in a loving, amorous mood, and if you have no lover at the moment, make something beautiful, luscious, and appealing in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now. Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially satisfying.

August 06 2019

Mars Sextile Mars

You are capable of forceful, decisive action, and you have the will to carry through on your intentions at this time. Physically, you feel good and your energy is flowing smoothly. Also, your interactions with others are feisty and spirited. you inspire others to take action and group efforts or joint projects are favored.

You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now, especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

August 07 2019

Mercury Square Neptune

Mental clarity, discrimination, and your ability to separate fact from fiction is diminished now. Miscommunications and an inability to formulate your ideas coherently are likely. Your mind wanders, and this can be a time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding contracts at this time.

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

August 08 2019

Mars Sextile Neptune

This is not a period when you feel like pushing your own interests, or in which you are especially energetic. Other people's concerns and needs receive more attention from you now, and you are more motivated to do something which serves others, perhaps a group you are affiliated with. Cooperating with others for some idealistic purpose is very satisfying for you at this time.

You want to DO something you usually only fantasize about or normally consider lovely but unrealistic. You need to take concrete steps - even if only small ones - in the direction of a dream. Doing so will give you energy and can stimulate possibilities and opportunities you never imagined before. A magical moment!

August 09 2019

Sun Square Saturn

This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed. Relationships with men and people in authority may be particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than usual; your mood is somber and rather self-critical. This is a good time to take stock of your life, to see how you are limiting and holding yourself back, and to determine your next steps. But do not attempt to press forward now, and don't take whatever setbacks you experience too much too heart.

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

August 10 2019

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Deep feelings, desires, fascinations, and compulsions move you now, revealing aspects of yourself that usually don't show on the surface. You may be extremely single-minded and driven to do, accomplish, have, or learn about something. Something that has been hidden or lost may come to light. Try to be aware of what's motivating you today, and refrain from forcing your agenda onto others.

August 11 2019

Mars Trine Venus

Right now you are more magnetic and sexually attractive, and your love life is likely to be both harmonious and satisfying. You experience a positive flow of warmth and friendliness between yourself and others, and you are stimulated and energized by your casual interactions with others of the opposite sex. Creative and artistic efforts also flourish at this time.

This is a wonderful moment for romance! You're in a loving, amorous mood, and if you have no lover at the moment, make something beautiful, luscious, and appealing in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now. Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially satisfying.

August 12 2019

Venus Conjunct Pluto

Strong feelings are evoked in a close relationship. Perhaps a thorny issue that you thought had been settled will arise. Old hurts or hungers, or a particularly compelling desire for intimacy and connection, may be stirred up. Let your wishes, desires, and feelings flow, without blame or demands to be emotionally "fed" by someone who may be unwilling or unable to respond as you want them to. This can be an intensely creative time if you pour your energies into making something beautiful.

August 13 2019

Sun Sextile Neptune

Today you feel less competitive and ambitious about practical and mundane matters. The world of imagination, fantasy, art, music, or mysticism is very appealing to you now, and if you have talent in any of these areas, this can be a creative and fruitful time for you. However, the negative possibilities for you now are being undisciplined, slack, indefinite, and wasting time and energy.

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace solutions.

August 14 2019

Venus Sextile Neptune

You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

August 15 2019

Sun Trine Venus

Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is emphasized now.

August 16 2019

Venus Trine Venus

Contentment, emotional well-being and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax, and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as well.

August 17 2019

Sun Square Sun

You feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires onto the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives while not turning away from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and contrasts presented now, and become clearer regarding your own path.

August 18 2019

Venus Square Sun

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore, and may interfere with work or complicate situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

August 19 2019

Mercury Square Saturn

Your thinking is rather gloomy and pessimistic at this time. You see the superficiality, the flaws, and the foolishness or impracticality in others' plans. Also, communicating with others is difficult now, and people resist what you are saying. You feel more inhibited and uncommunicative, and you sense that others are not receptive. Frustrating conversations and the feeling that you are coming across negatively are possible now, so you are inclined simply to keep your thoughts to yourself.

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas, cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices dampen your spirits, however.

August 20 2019

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Deep feelings, desires, fascinations, and compulsions move you now, revealing aspects of yourself that usually don't show on the surface. You may be extremely single-minded and driven to do, accomplish, have, or learn about something. Something that has been hidden or lost may come to light. Try to be aware of what's motivating you today, and refrain from forcing your agenda onto others.

August 21 2019

Sun Trine Venus

Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is emphasized now.

August 22 2019

Mercury Square Saturn

Your thinking is rather gloomy and pessimistic at this time. You see the superficiality, the flaws, and the foolishness or impracticality in others' plans. Also, communicating with others is difficult now, and people resist what you are saying. You feel more inhibited and uncommunicative, and you sense that others are not receptive. Frustrating conversations and the feeling that you are coming across negatively are possible now, so you are inclined simply to keep your thoughts to yourself.

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas, cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices dampen your spirits, however.

August 23 2019

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

You have exceptional concentration and can focus your mind on solving difficult problems, unearthing the contacts or the information you need, relentlessly probing until you get to the core of a matter. You may also have an especially heavy or deep conversation, with issues that have been buried for sometime coming up for re-examination. Taboo topics, extremely private information, or things that you'd forgotten enter your awareness.

August 24 2019

Mercury Sextile Mars

You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly.

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the other person's side of things.

August 25 2019

Mercury Sextile Neptune

Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

August 26 2019

Mercury Trine Venus

You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel good.

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers, write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy topics will wait for another day.

August 27 2019

Mercury Square Sun

There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace is likely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and conducting business over the telephone, by email, or through the written word is the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well. It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

August 28 2019

Mercury Trine Venus

You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel good.

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers, write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy topics will wait for another day.

August 29 2019

Mercury Sextile Neptune

Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

August 30 2019

Neptune Square Mercury

Be extremely careful in all practical affairs at this time. You tend to overlook details, forget to consider some aspect of a problem, and make silly mistakes. Forgetfulness can be a serious problem.

You are very drawn to and influenced by the whole realm of the mystical, magical, and miraculous during this period. The danger is that you may confuse fantasy or actual spiritual perception with reality. Your imagination is coloring everything right now. You are more enchanted by possibilities than by fact. If you are working in a creative realm, this is fine. But in practical or business matters, it can be a great detriment.
How you will experience this influx of imagination and mystical reality depends to a large extent upon how much the spiritual is already a part of your consciousness and daily life. It can be thoroughly confusing and disorienting if you do not have any context for it. Even if you do, you tend to be less grounded and clear than usual. Avoid extremes, especially regarding spiritual teachings, teachers, or regimens.
Positive Potentials:
Ability to communicate spiritually to all parts of life. Creative imagination and inspiration infuses any artistic, poetic, or spiritual work.
Negative Potentials:
Your nervous system is highly sensitized right now, and you may be more susceptible to environmental poisons, pollution, noise. Tendency toward self-deception or being bamboozled by others. Overly idealistic.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Intoxicants and mind-altering substances of any kind can be severely unbalancing for you now and you would do well to avoid them. Find "natural highs" such as spiritual practices or communion with nature, and balance these with ordinary, mundane chores. Maintain a regular routine. Paint, write, or give tangible expression or form to the images and ideas that you are receiving now. Be very cautious in making any long-term commitment or contract. Misinformation or lack of clarity may abort the realistic possibilities for success. If possible, avoid signing binding agreements.

August 31 2019

Venus Square Mercury

Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss your personal needs and desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your decor or buy something to beautify your surroundings.

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other aesthetic decisions.

September 01 2019

Venus Sextile Saturn

You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile. You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do that.

September 02 2019

Neptune Trine Saturn

This astrological influence is subtle in that it might not bring significant changes to your outer life and situation, but it is very significant in the ways that it fosters changes and developments in your fundamental beliefs and attitudes towards life.

During this period, you blend the ideal and the practical together. Simplifying your material life, minimizing the time and energy you put into gaining and maintaining material things, can liberate you to enjoy spiritual or charitable pursuits. You want to concentrate on what you really value. You are in a monkish mood.
You may be attracted to social service, working for a good cause, sacrificing some personal gain in order to align your professional or work life with your heart and ideals.
Sanctuaries, retreats, healing centers, silence, the mountains, or service is calling you.
Positive Potentials:
Bringing heaven and earth together. Softening the places in yourself and in your life that have become hardened, rigid, closed or overly certain. Embracing a nourishing spiritual discipline. Enjoying simplicity. Spiritual patience increases. Detachment from material ups and downs.
Negative potentials:
If you already lean strongly toward spiritual detachment or a mystical approach toward life, you may be unable to relate well to the marketplace.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Now is the time to give your dreams, idealism, and spiritual inspiration some tangible expression and physical form. You can take practical, sequential steps to make them a reality. Spiritual studies are fruitful now as well.

September 03 2019

Sun Sextile Saturn

Your ability to concentrate and focus on your work is very good now. This is a time to attend to details, take care of practical business, and to make your life more stable and secure. It would be beneficial to consult advisors on investments and long-range plans, and to put your affairs in order. Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now.

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong, but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

September 04 2019

Mercury Sextile Saturn

Your mind is serious and you are able to concentrate on work that requires patience, attention to detail, and precision. Practical concerns dominate. It is a good time to learn practical skills, do your taxes, organize your files, and take care of business. You'll want to avoid light social conversation or trivialities that distract you from your work.

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination, either written or oral.

September 05 2019

Mars Square Mercury

Verbal battles, disputes, and heated debates are very likely at this time because you speak your mind without much forethought, tact, or consideration of consequences. Right now you will say the things you usually only think, especially to people you disagree with. Also, you are quite impatient and easily frustrated, and are inclined to move about too quickly and abruptly, which can cause accidents. Unless you slow your pace down a bit, this time period can be quite a headache.

You are mentally sharp and quick at this time but may be abrupt, impatient, and cutting with your words as well. Aggression or hurry can lead to cuts and scrapes, needless arguments, fender benders, or headaches. Consciously slow your movements and breathing down just a bit and give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going, or work off steam by running or taking a brisk walk.

September 06 2019

Mars Sextile Saturn

Self-discipline, training, persevering through a dry or slow period, and working quietly or in meager circumstances are themes in this time period. You have the ability and stamina to concentrate, to work carefully and thoroughly, and to accomplish something modest, yet of real practical value and substance now.

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or problem-solving is featured.

September 07 2019

Mercury Square Mercury

Intellectual disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise now. You may have to speak your mind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else. However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your reasoning power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now, but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little, especially in traffic.

September 08 2019

Venus Trine Sun

Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like socializing and being friendly.

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience.

September 09 2019

Mars Square Mercury

Verbal battles, disputes, and heated debates are very likely at this time because you speak your mind without much forethought, tact, or consideration of consequences. Right now you will say the things you usually only think, especially to people you disagree with. Also, you are quite impatient and easily frustrated, and are inclined to move about too quickly and abruptly, which can cause accidents. Unless you slow your pace down a bit, this time period can be quite a headache.

You are mentally sharp and quick at this time but may be abrupt, impatient, and cutting with your words as well. Aggression or hurry can lead to cuts and scrapes, needless arguments, fender benders, or headaches. Consciously slow your movements and breathing down just a bit and give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going, or work off steam by running or taking a brisk walk.

September 10 2019

Mercury Trine Sun

You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

September 11 2019

Mars Sextile Saturn

Self-discipline, training, persevering through a dry or slow period, and working quietly or in meager circumstances are themes in this time period. You have the ability and stamina to concentrate, to work carefully and thoroughly, and to accomplish something modest, yet of real practical value and substance now.

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or problem-solving is featured.

September 12 2019

Sun Square Mercury

A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feel mentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on some issue.

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on inconsequential matters.

September 13 2019

Sun Trine Sun

Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well-received at this time.

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

September 14 2019

Sun Square Mars

You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness. Positively, physical energy is high and you could accomplish a great deal.

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-exerting yourself.

September 15 2019

Sun Sextile Uranus

Acting on impulse, changing your usual routine, improvising and using your intuition rather than following a prescribed, logical way of doing things is called for now. The tempo of your life accelerates now. Expect a rather inconstant, unpredictable, but interesting time.

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now. This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite important to you at the moment.

September 16 2019

Mars Square Mars

At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable. Conflicts and confrontations may be unavoidable, but do try to avoid situations which you know will provoke or irritate you. Working alone is best at this time.

Your energies run hot and you could risk driving yourself too hard and burning yourself and others with too much passion or anger. Minor annoyances may feel like major aggravations; unexpressed frustration or hostility may erupt into the open; pushing, hurrying, or forcing things can lead to trouble. Slow down and cool down on every level: take the pedal off the metal, consciously slow your movements, drink or immerse yourself in cool water, avoid people and situations you know have the potential to rouse your ire. Observe how touchy and aggressive your ego tends to be right now, as if every thing that doesn't go your way is a personal affront, and have a good laugh at yourself !

September 17 2019

Mars Trine Sun

Your vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve your goals with much more ease than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not in a way that creates resistance in others.

Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports, outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make whatever you do now a race or contest!

September 18 2019

Mars Trine Sun

Your vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve your goals with much more ease than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not in a way that creates resistance in others.

Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports, outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make whatever you do now a race or contest!

September 19 2019

Mars Square Mars

At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable. Conflicts and confrontations may be unavoidable, but do try to avoid situations which you know will provoke or irritate you. Working alone is best at this time.

Your energies run hot and you could risk driving yourself too hard and burning yourself and others with too much passion or anger. Minor annoyances may feel like major aggravations; unexpressed frustration or hostility may erupt into the open; pushing, hurrying, or forcing things can lead to trouble. Slow down and cool down on every level: take the pedal off the metal, consciously slow your movements, drink or immerse yourself in cool water, avoid people and situations you know have the potential to rouse your ire. Observe how touchy and aggressive your ego tends to be right now, as if every thing that doesn't go your way is a personal affront, and have a good laugh at yourself !

September 20 2019

Mars Sextile Uranus

Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal for you now, and you want to do something new and out of the ordinary. You also have a lot of energy and quick reflexes. A vigorous game of racquetball or tennis, or some other fast-moving competitive sport would be a good outlet for you now. Acting on your spontaneous impulses and following through on some of your more unusual or "crazy" desires will yield surprises, mostly positive.

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.
The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

September 21 2019

Mercury Trine Mercury

Conversations and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful now. You understand what others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. This is a favorable time for getting your message across to others via writing, speaking, or advertising.

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now, including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across, reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

September 22 2019

Mars Sextile Jupiter

Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing, are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

September 23 2019

Mercury Trine Mercury

Conversations and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful now. You understand what others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. This is a favorable time for getting your message across to others via writing, speaking, or advertising.

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now, including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across, reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

September 24 2019

Sun Sextile Jupiter

Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others will work out very much to your advantage now. A friend or person in authority may offer help or present an opportunity which will benefit you now or in the future. Also, you will reap rewards later for the generosity and aid you extend to others at this time.

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

September 25 2019

Venus Trine Mercury

This is a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings where tact and friendliness would be a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. Also, attending cultural events such as an art show or a play is favored. Thoughts of love, an appreciation for beauty, and an aesthetic enjoyment of your surroundings are brought to the fore. A short pleasure trip would also be beneficial now.

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction, and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are favored.

September 26 2019

Mercury Trine Mars

This is a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to communicate to others what you really want. You are sharp, clear, decisive, and articulate. You can't stand being idle now; you are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and attacking difficult problems on the job.

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the other person's side of things.

September 27 2019

Mercury Conjunct Neptune

You may notice that your mind is a bit fuzzy at the moment, or that you just can't concentrate on practical matters and immediate tasks. Perhaps you need a mental vacation, like reading a book that captures your imagination, going to see a movie, as simply relaxing your mental focus and enjoying the magic of the birds singing outside your window. Minor miscommunications or misunderstandings can arise now. Certainly it is not the best day to negotiate a business transaction or any other activity that requires sharp, decisive discrimination. You might miss important pieces, so save such activities for another day.

September 28 2019

Mercury Square Uranus

Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once, and tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your head or jaws - then proceed.

September 29 2019

Mercury Conjunct Neptune

You may notice that your mind is a bit fuzzy at the moment, or that you just can't concentrate on practical matters and immediate tasks. Perhaps you need a mental vacation, like reading a book that captures your imagination, going to see a movie, as simply relaxing your mental focus and enjoying the magic of the birds singing outside your window. Minor miscommunications or misunderstandings can arise now. Certainly it is not the best day to negotiate a business transaction or any other activity that requires sharp, decisive discrimination. You might miss important pieces, so save such activities for another day.

September 30 2019

Venus Conjunct Neptune

Love yearnings, especially for an idealized or romantic or spiritual kind of love, are awakened now, perhaps by a film or some other artistic image. You need and respond strongly to beauty, aesthetics, the arts, the ocean, poetry, music. Your tender side comes to the fore, too, and you might be moved to adopt a stray dog, cat, or needy person. You may confuse pity with personal attraction or be especially indulgent with people, also.

October 01 2019

Mercury Square Jupiter

Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the facts, which can result in an error in judgement. Try not to be lax about important details.

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway friends.

October 02 2019

Venus Square Uranus

You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a stable, predictable relationship that offers little excitement. You may be highly attracted to someone new, simply because of the novelty and possibilities for adventure. Also, your friends or love partner may behave in unexpected ways. Flexibility and openmindedness in your relationships is called for now.

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

October 03 2019

Venus Conjunct Neptune

Love yearnings, especially for an idealized or romantic or spiritual kind of love, are awakened now, perhaps by a film or some other artistic image. You need and respond strongly to beauty, aesthetics, the arts, the ocean, poetry, music. Your tender side comes to the fore, too, and you might be moved to adopt a stray dog, cat, or needy person. You may confuse pity with personal attraction or be especially indulgent with people, also.

October 04 2019

Venus Square Jupiter

This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease, and have luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship. It's a good time for a party, as long as you don't overdo it.

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

October 05 2019

Venus Trine Mars

You feel quite amorous and affectionate now, and will very much want to share this time with someone you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated, and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time.

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

October 06 2019

Venus Sextile Pluto

Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

October 07 2019

Sun Trine Mercury

If you are a writer, teacher, student, or involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you: ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling, negotiating, and communications of all kinds.

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

October 08 2019

Pluto Sextile Saturn

Discipline, concentration, and determination are the key issues now. You are likely to adopt a rather austere and intense routine during this time period. You stubbornly pursue your interests, and you are willing to work long hours without complaint.

Whatever you do now, you do with seriousness and an in-depth approach. You have self-discipline that borders on self-denial, the capacity to make do with very little if need be, and the ability to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You want to focus exclusively on your ambitions and what is important to you, eliminating distractions and superfluous involvements. Relationships that you have outgrown or which take your energy away from your deeper aims are likely to be put aside for now or to end altogether. Socially, you may withdraw or need to sever ties with people who are not truly aligned with your best long-term interests. Necessary separations may be part of the picture.
Hard work, long periods of study, and concentrated efforts are laying the groundwork for long-lasting achievements. Inner work is also taking place. You have the opportunity to let go of old ghosts from the past and eliminate self-defeating beliefs, attitudes, and patterns.
Positive Potentials:
The capacity for thorough, painstaking work. The emergence of a deep sense of purpose, and the will to fulfill it. Resolving old, unfinished business and eliminating toxic people or attitudes from your life.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward fanatic workaholism or extremism in any form may increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
View whatever losses, disappointments, or endings in the professional or personal area of your life that occur now as necessary and helpful to you, even if they are painful in the immediate instance. Avoid blame or recriminations.
Give yourself credit for the work you are doing now, and know that your patient, constant efforts are building something worthwhile.

October 09 2019

Saturn Sextile Saturn

Conservative, practical steps towards greater security and stability are achieved at this time. This is a good time for making long-term investments, receiving practical training that will provide you with practical, marketable skills.

Patience, perseverance, and holding firm are called for now. Others may lean on you substantially during this time, and you can be a stabilizing support person in the life of a significant friend, family member or even work associate. While you may or may not think of yourself as a "rock", others will. This is a time to work with what is right at hand and immediately available, doing what needs to be done.
You gain by taking regular small steps in a positive direction, maintaining regularity and order in your life, and doing your best within the limitations of your current situation.
Positive Potentials:
Responsible and realistic attitude. Working harmoniously within an already-established structure or organization. Positive work or professional relationships. Drawing upon a tradition, mentor, or lineage to gain strength. Offering mentoring or the fruits of your life experience to others.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward over-conscientiousness or toward needing to control outcomes or guarantees increase.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Consider your long-term best interests, and invest your time and attention into what will matter to you most in the long run. Decide what is important and let the rest go for now. Make a real commitment to your health, education, family, relationships or future security and back it up with regular efforts. Think in terms of building a base.

October 10 2019

Pluto Square Neptune

Your imagination is triggered by some exotic, unusual, fantastic, or idealistic vision that is sweeping through your age group like a wave. The exact nature of this inspiration is difficult to predict and can be anything from a new style of music or a movie that grips your imagination, to a spiritual or religious revival of some sort.

This is a time of deep soul cleansing and of dealing with some area of your life that may have been shrouded in secrecy, mystery, or the mists of the past. Outworn religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as personal dreams and unfulfilled longings, may die during this period. There will also be a re-emergence of distant memories, a spiritual legacy, or of renewed connection to your spiritual life. An intensified awareness of the numinous, hidden, or inner dimensions of life surfaces now.
If you have been engaged in any deceptive or dishonest practices - or been the victim of such - the truth is likely to emerge now. You have the opportunity to rectify, reconcile, come clean, or make amends.
Positive Potentials:
A deep inner confrontation and transformation of beliefs, ideals, or ancestral patterns; healing and transformation of soul issues.
Negative Potentials:
Death of illusions of safety, security, or innocence. Difficult transitions. Unwillingness to be straight with yourself or others intensifies difficulties.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Feeling helpless or overcome with regrets is a pitfall to avoid as best you can now. Your fears and reluctance to face certain issues make things seem worse than they are. Enter courageously and compassionately into this time, and profound healing can occur.

October 11 2019

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

You have little tolerance for distractions or wasting time right now. You may seem rather humorless, not communicative, or even downright unfriendly. You are thinking about practical concerns and necessities, essentials, and the bottom line, or wrangling with problems that you don't want to discuss openly. An interaction or conversation you have today may shed light on a problem you are facing and show you some weakness that needs to be addressed. In any case, this is not a moment for fun and sport, but for focused attention and for cool, detached objectivity.

October 12 2019

Sun Conjunct Neptune

Your imagination and inner yearnings are stimulated and you may find yourself drifting away from the immediate here and now. This isn't the best day to make critical decisions because you may be seeing your options through a subtle haze of hopeful wishing or idealism. Go to see a play or an art exhibit or do something purely for the spiritual reward, some random act of kindness.

October 13 2019

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

You have little tolerance for distractions or wasting time right now. You may seem rather humorless, not communicative, or even downright unfriendly. You are thinking about practical concerns and necessities, essentials, and the bottom line, or wrangling with problems that you don't want to discuss openly. An interaction or conversation you have today may shed light on a problem you are facing and show you some weakness that needs to be addressed. In any case, this is not a moment for fun and sport, but for focused attention and for cool, detached objectivity.

October 14 2019

Sun Square Uranus

Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events, and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely.

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some eccentricity.

October 15 2019

Sun Conjunct Neptune

Your imagination and inner yearnings are stimulated and you may find yourself drifting away from the immediate here and now. This isn't the best day to make critical decisions because you may be seeing your options through a subtle haze of hopeful wishing or idealism. Go to see a play or an art exhibit or do something purely for the spiritual reward, some random act of kindness.

October 16 2019

Sun Square Jupiter

You are optimistic and possibly extravagant now. You are less cautious than usual, feeling that nothing can possibly go wrong. If you are inclined to overindulge, overspend, or go to excesses in any manner, this tendency is exaggerated at this time.
However, you also aim higher than usual and a very promising opportunity or contact can also occur.

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

October 17 2019

Venus Conjunct Saturn

You are attracted to people with maturity, worldly wisdom, and a solid sense of values (perhaps an advisor, elder, or teacher), and are disinclined to frivolous activities or wasting your time. In fact you may be pleased and happy to be alone or perhaps with just one other person that you know well. On the other hand, you may feel quite cool or withdrawn in a crowd. You are also restrained and careful about spending money at this point, and that's as it should be. It is a good time to reflect, set priorities, enjoy simple pleasures, and appreciate quality time with yourself or with your chosen companion.

October 18 2019

Sun Sextile Pluto

There are opportunities for deep sharing, and powerful, meaningful contacts with others, especially people who share common goals or ideals. An opportunity for a leadership role is also likely.

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another day.

October 19 2019

Sun Trine Mars

You have an abundance of physical energy and self-confidence right now and can take on new projects and challenges with ease. You feel bolder and less dependent on others' affirmation and approval.
Taking a strong stand or striking out on your own in some manner is likely to work out well for you.

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be a successful strategy at this time.

October 20 2019

Venus Conjunct Saturn

You are attracted to people with maturity, worldly wisdom, and a solid sense of values (perhaps an advisor, elder, or teacher), and are disinclined to frivolous activities or wasting your time. In fact you may be pleased and happy to be alone or perhaps with just one other person that you know well. On the other hand, you may feel quite cool or withdrawn in a crowd. You are also restrained and careful about spending money at this point, and that's as it should be. It is a good time to reflect, set priorities, enjoy simple pleasures, and appreciate quality time with yourself or with your chosen companion.

October 21 2019

Mercury Square Pluto

It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend to force your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you have figured it out.

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

October 22 2019

Mars Trine Mercury

You speak very clearly, convincingly, and forcefully now, so that there is no mistaking what your views and opinions are. You can argue a good case, make a very persuasive presentation, or successfully challenge someone whose ideas do not agree with your own. Your mind is sharp and your responses quick. This is a very good time to take a test or to do any kind of intellectual or mental work.

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

October 23 2019

Mercury Trine Uranus

You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake and interested.

October 24 2019

Mercury Trine Jupiter

This is a good time to travel, especially to places you've never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favored; your ability to understand and abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is strong now. Anything than broadens your world appeals to you at this time. You are interested in the big picture and have less attention and interest in details.

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now. Send and receive inspiring messages.

October 25 2019

Mars Trine Mercury

You speak very clearly, convincingly, and forcefully now, so that there is no mistaking what your views and opinions are. You can argue a good case, make a very persuasive presentation, or successfully challenge someone whose ideas do not agree with your own. Your mind is sharp and your responses quick. This is a very good time to take a test or to do any kind of intellectual or mental work.

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

October 26 2019

Venus Square Pluto

Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble in your closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not. Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to create something new.

October 27 2019

Venus Trine Uranus

Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful, adventurous attitude in your relationships make this time period stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual routine, and because you are willing to experiment and to be spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of pace. A new romance or a revitalization of a current one is very likely.

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated, or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise, be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste. You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

October 28 2019

Venus Trine Jupiter

Emotional well-being and contentment characterize this time period. You feel quite relaxed and carefree, and this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting everything to work out well with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at this time, but beware of being overly generous or depending too much on Lady Luck.

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

October 29 2019

Jupiter Trine Pluto

You feel confident, outgoing, optimistic, and enterprising. Expansion of business and professional pursuits is likely now. The business you are involved in is likely to attract new customers, develop new products, and receive increased recognition and influence at this time.

This can be a period of remarkable growth, improvement, and a betterment of conditions in all arenas. A troublesome situation or deep problem that you may have been grappling with for some time can begin to turn around or be resolved. Pending legal matters are apt to be favorably resolved, and old issues can be cleared up.
You may discover hidden resources, dormant talents, and unsuspected allies and strengths. This gives you the urge and the confidence to take on a much larger project, to bring your work out to the world in a larger way, or to take on social or community concerns that may not have been possible earlier.
Renewal and regeneration on many levels is the theme. Your physical and psychological health, as well as your financial or professional status will all respond favorably to your efforts to improve, upgrade, or excel.
Positive Potentials:
Wholehearted efforts bring magical results. Encountering people of wisdom, expertise, and vision who can help you. Renewal, rejuvenation, and regeneration.
Negative Potentials:
Tendencies toward excessive ambition are amplified.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your intuition and instincts are excellent right now, and you can let them guide you toward the activities, people, and timing that will benefit you the most. Act with faith and confidence, but remain humble as well.

October 30 2019

Mars Trine Mercury

You speak very clearly, convincingly, and forcefully now, so that there is no mistaking what your views and opinions are. You can argue a good case, make a very persuasive presentation, or successfully challenge someone whose ideas do not agree with your own. Your mind is sharp and your responses quick. This is a very good time to take a test or to do any kind of intellectual or mental work.

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

October 31 2019

Jupiter Sextile Neptune

You are able to share ideals and spiritual concerns with others in a very satisfying way at this time. If there is someone that you feel does not understand "where you are coming from", you may find that you are now able to effectively communicate whatever lofty, idealistic, or abstract ideas that are important to you.

Practical considerations and material concerns diminish in importance now, and spiritual, idealistic, and humanitarian impulses come to the fore. There is also an emphasis on joining forces with people who share these interests, so you may become involved with a group devoted to spiritual development, or to the uplifting and improvement of conditions for others. You may be meeting new people, perhaps from a different background than your own, who help open your mind and heart, and widen your understanding of the world. Or, opportunities to travel to an especially intriguing place may arise. You are open to just about anything right now, which is why you are attracting these opportunities. And for the most part, you will be able to integrate and use what you learn and experience to enrich your daily life and relationships.
You do have more of a tendency to splurge on luxury or nonessential items, though, and to become a bit lax when it comes to work or the mundane details of life.
Positive Potentials:
Positive expectations, belief in good outcomes, hope, and faith increase, helping to bring about desired results. Spiritual life flourishes in the company of other seekers. Generosity, compassion, and empathy increase.
Negative Potentials:
Any tendencies toward passivity, denial of difficult truths, or over-reliance on luck or providence increases.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is such a benign influence that there's not much likelihood of difficulties or imbalances arising from it, but it would be easy to allow the opportunities for benefit to pass by. If you are able to translate your idealism or compassion into practical action, service, or tangible expression, then do so. Small gestures done with real kindness can mean a lot!

November 01 2019

Mars Trine Mars

Self-confidence, physical energy, and courage run high, so this is a fine time to undertake any project or challenge that confronts you, especially if it involves competition or asserting yourself vigorously. You are inclined to take charge or assume a leadership role at this time.

You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now, especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

November 02 2019

Sun Conjunct Saturn

Necessity, duty, discipline, and work are the focus for you today, and you're protective of your time and energy. You don't want to scatter your forces or waste efforts, and you may withdraw socially in order to attend to your tasks. Purposeful concerns override other priorities. You may feel rather humorless as well, taking it all a bit too seriously.

November 03 2019

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Your creative imagination is stimulated, and you may feel an impulse to act out some fantasy or long cherished dream, without your usual concerns and constraints about what is practical, normal, and so on. In your mind you can do the impossible and explore all possibilities. You may be a bit unfocused on the immediate here-and-now, however. Avoid foolish dares and intoxicants, especially when driving or near water. Do something that delights your soul and has no practical use whatsoever, but don't disregard common sense.

November 04 2019

Mars Square Uranus

Rebelliousness, recklessness, impatience, a sudden burst of anger or your need to break free from rules and restrictions may create a lot of disruption in your life right now. Also, you can't seem to settle down or focus on one task for any length of time. Though you are unusually energetic, it is hard for you to get anything done. You tend to fly off the handle and to scatter your forces. You are happiest now when you do something creative and daring, which doesn't involve trying to cooperate or conform to others' wishes and needs.

Mishaps or disruptions due to recklessness, tactlessness, sudden outbursts of anger or impatience, and heated encounters are potential trouble spots at the moment. Slow down in traffic, and take precautions around fire, electronics, and sharp tools. Perhaps you can do something daring and outrageous that isn't dangerous!

November 05 2019

Mars Square Jupiter

You are highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly over-confident and take on more challenges than you can really meet. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of over-exerting yourself.

Your challenge now is to synchronize your own will and agenda with the larger energies or grand design. You tend to be tripped up by over-eagerness or expecting too much too soon, but if can relax, trust, and allow supportive energies to come to you, your desire can be fulfilled or a wish realized. Ask for what you want and do what you need to, then let it happen. No forcing or overdoing needed!

November 06 2019

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Your creative imagination is stimulated, and you may feel an impulse to act out some fantasy or long cherished dream, without your usual concerns and constraints about what is practical, normal, and so on. In your mind you can do the impossible and explore all possibilities. You may be a bit unfocused on the immediate here-and-now, however. Avoid foolish dares and intoxicants, especially when driving or near water. Do something that delights your soul and has no practical use whatsoever, but don't disregard common sense.

November 07 2019

Mars Sextile Pluto

You may be considering a major overhaul or revision in your ambitions at this time. If you do not have a sense of meaningful purpose or a passionate commitment to anything, you will want to reassess where you are going and why. If you do have a clear goal, you can make significant progress and work with great satisfaction now. An opportunity to do what you really want to do is likely.

Your passion, zeal, and inner courage are intensified now, making you enormously effective. You are super-motivated and can tackle tough challenges with confidence. You may take something old and completely re-do, re-make, revise, or renew it. Your creative power is flowing!

November 08 2019

Mars Trine Mars

Self-confidence, physical energy, and courage run high, so this is a fine time to undertake any project or challenge that confronts you, especially if it involves competition or asserting yourself vigorously. You are inclined to take charge or assume a leadership role at this time.

You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now, especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

November 09 2019

Sun Conjunct Saturn

Necessity, duty, discipline, and work are the focus for you today, and you're protective of your time and energy. You don't want to scatter your forces or waste efforts, and you may withdraw socially in order to attend to your tasks. Purposeful concerns override other priorities. You may feel rather humorless as well, taking it all a bit too seriously.

November 10 2019

Sun Square Pluto

Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a situation come to light now.
The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating others, and the subtle ways you try to control situations or other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you find yourself dealing with the more difficult, dark, tyrannical side in other people.
Also, this can be a time when you are forced to confront and deal with something which is no longer working - from old, outworn possessions to an unhealthy relationship or a deeply ingrained, self-defeating attitude.

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up. If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges, and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark comes up now.

November 11 2019

Sun Trine Uranus

You have a low tolerance for boredom and following rules today and you make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things.
You don't want to follow anybody else's lead at this time, but fortunately you are able find ways to be yourself and even be a little "crazy" without offending or upsetting others. This is a dynamic and exciting period. Take advantage of any unusual offers or opportunities.

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now. This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite important to you at the moment.

November 12 2019

Sun Trine Jupiter

This is a good time for relaxing recreation, a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself and do the things you most enjoy doing. Good humor and optimism prevail now, and you are able to get a larger perspective on your life. This is also a good time to approach someone who is in a position to benefit you spiritually, intellectually, or materially.

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous moment.

November 13 2019

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Your creative imagination is stimulated, and you may feel an impulse to act out some fantasy or long cherished dream, without your usual concerns and constraints about what is practical, normal, and so on. In your mind you can do the impossible and explore all possibilities. You may be a bit unfocused on the immediate here-and-now, however. Avoid foolish dares and intoxicants, especially when driving or near water. Do something that delights your soul and has no practical use whatsoever, but don't disregard common sense.

November 14 2019

Mars Square Jupiter

You are highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly over-confident and take on more challenges than you can really meet. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of over-exerting yourself.

Your challenge now is to synchronize your own will and agenda with the larger energies or grand design. You tend to be tripped up by over-eagerness or expecting too much too soon, but if can relax, trust, and allow supportive energies to come to you, your desire can be fulfilled or a wish realized. Ask for what you want and do what you need to, then let it happen. No forcing or overdoing needed!

November 15 2019

Jupiter Trine Venus

This is a very pleasant time for you. You have a need to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, relax, and collect yourself. Taking a stroll through the woods, visiting a beautiful lake, mountain retreat, or beach appeals to you now. You also enjoy casual activities like strolling through art galleries and markets, buying some art work, and visiting friends.

Light heartedness and easy, comfortable relations typify this time period. You'll be pleasantly unambitious, quite able to relax and enjoy yourself, so this is the perfect time for a vacation (of the melt-in-the-tropical-sun-with-a-pine-colada variety, not a high-intensity or physically demanding adventure). You feel unguarded, open, at ease, expecting things to go well, which attracts positive experiences and outcomes. In fact, you're apt to be quite "lucky" right now, easily attracting love, friendship, and good fortune in small and large ways.
All social gatherings, festivities, celebrations, and artistic or cultural activities and events are highly favored now.
Positive Potentials:
Feelings of generosity, openness, warm heartedness, good humor, willingness to see the good in people and situations. Sharing your wealth and resources. Increased appreciation for beauty, and wanting to enhance and beautify your surroundings. The pleasure of adornment and decoration.
Negative Potentials:
Self-indulgence, excesses, overspending, eating, drinking, or playing.
Remedies and Suggestions:
You may feel so contented that you fail to take the opportunity to reach to others, or to express the gratitude, appreciation, and love you feel. Take the initiative - say and do what's in your heart.
Beware of compulsive and extravagant purchases. This is a good time to invest in beauty, but be sure you can really afford to do so.

November 16 2019

Jupiter Square Moon

During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A family get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have a wonderful time sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a communication barrier or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.

During this time period, you may wake up one morning and say WHY NOT? Wishes, yearnings, and dreams that seemed impossible, childish, or too good to be true now seem worth pursuing. People want to join with and help you now, especially if your aims are not entirely self-serving but also offer something valuable to others. You may find a benefactor, or become one. Children or young people may concern you more than ever now.
If your life has been hard or stressful for a while - or simply dull and unsatisfying - the "Child" in you may want some attention in the form of small comforts and indulgences, from massages to vacations to favorite desserts, and definitely time to play and friends to play with. This is a time for more self-care and self-nurturing.
Positive Potentials:
Increased empathy and rapport with people; greater generosity, tolerance, and nurturance towards self and others, a broadening of your sympathies and concerns. Increased emotional optimism, and willingness to take chances based on that. Attracting a fortunate opportunity or outcome, especially if you have done your foundational work.
Negative Potentials:
Having an overly soft and indulgent attitude toward your children, yourself, or people who depend upon you, especially if this is your natural tendency to begin with. Excessive or indulgent giving, spending, etc. Promising more than you can realistically deliver.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is an excellent time to join groups, gatherings, or fellowships that nurture the spirit. Playfulness and mutual inspiration come from extending yourself beyond your usual habits and emotional safety zone. Take the initiative to pursue the happy ideas, plans, and possibilities that occur to you now.

November 17 2019

Jupiter Square Moon

During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A family get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have a wonderful time sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a communication barrier or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.

During this time period, you may wake up one morning and say WHY NOT? Wishes, yearnings, and dreams that seemed impossible, childish, or too good to be true now seem worth pursuing. People want to join with and help you now, especially if your aims are not entirely self-serving but also offer something valuable to others. You may find a benefactor, or become one. Children or young people may concern you more than ever now.
If your life has been hard or stressful for a while - or simply dull and unsatisfying - the "Child" in you may want some attention in the form of small comforts and indulgences, from massages to vacations to favorite desserts, and definitely time to play and friends to play with. This is a time for more self-care and self-nurturing.
Positive Potentials:
Increased empathy and rapport with people; greater generosity, tolerance, and nurturance towards self and others, a broadening of your sympathies and concerns. Increased emotional optimism, and willingness to take chances based on that. Attracting a fortunate opportunity or outcome, especially if you have done your foundational work.
Negative Potentials:
Having an overly soft and indulgent attitude toward your children, yourself, or people who depend upon you, especially if this is your natural tendency to begin with. Excessive or indulgent giving, spending, etc. Promising more than you can realistically deliver.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is an excellent time to join groups, gatherings, or fellowships that nurture the spirit. Playfulness and mutual inspiration come from extending yourself beyond your usual habits and emotional safety zone. Take the initiative to pursue the happy ideas, plans, and possibilities that occur to you now.

November 18 2019

Venus Trine Pluto

You have a special magnetism and attractive power now, and you are feeling intensely loving also. Your relationships, particularly sexual or romantic ones, intensify and have a deep, compelling, urgent quality. Your inner feelings and needs for love and closeness emerge very strongly. You may also channel some of these feelings into creative or artistic, work, something that evokes and expresses your deepest self.

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

November 19 2019

Venus Sextile Neptune

You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

November 20 2019

Venus Trine Venus

Contentment, emotional well-being and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax, and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as well.

November 21 2019

Uranus Conjunct Venus

The forces of change, disruption, and liberation are powerfully at work within and around you during this time, especially in the affairs of your heart. Long-standing friendships or partnerships are challenged now, as you are no longer able to tolerate stagnant conditions. An unhappy or oppressive relationship with a lover or friend, which until now you have been willing to be forbearing about, may suddenly feel untenable. It's a time to shake up or revivify intimate relationships. Expect the unexpected in all matters of the heart. Sexually, you may become more experimental or suddenly have romantic impulses you have never experienced before. This can be a very uncertain time period for you, both thrilling in the possibilities that are now opening for you and frightening as the familiar ways or people are no longer part of your life in the same way. Radical changes in your marriage, friendships or partnerships, as well as in your personal sense of style and aesthetic tastes, are on the agenda. If your relationships are basically sound, a reawakening of love, with greater spontaneity and honesty, is very possible. If, however, there is much that is not serving you or your partner, the relationship may well end or at least need to change.
Your taste in art, clothing or music is changing now, too, as you find yourself dissatisfied with conforming to old standards. You need new rhythms, new beauty, new inspiration.
Whatever occurs, this time period can be tremendously freeing, however upsetting it may be to the status quo.
Positive Potentials:
Renewed excitement, aliveness, inspiration, and spontaneity in your intimate life and/or your creativity.
Negative Potentials:
Others behaving erratically and unreliably toward you. Intense discontent with lovers or friends. Feeling insecure and unsettled as your relationships change.
Remedies and Suggestions:
There are two extremes to beware of while all of this is going on. The first is the tendency to irrevocably sever important and valuable connections in your desire to liberate yourself and be free. A new love may come into your sphere, which dazzles you in to doing something impulsive, foolish, and regrettable. On the other extreme, you may be clinging to an old form in a relationship which has already fulfilled its time. You will know if you are holding on when it is truly time to let the change happen, because the situation will become more and more painful, disruptive, and unworkable.

November 22 2019

Jupiter Square Moon

During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A family get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have a wonderful time sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a communication barrier or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.

During this time period, you may wake up one morning and say WHY NOT? Wishes, yearnings, and dreams that seemed impossible, childish, or too good to be true now seem worth pursuing. People want to join with and help you now, especially if your aims are not entirely self-serving but also offer something valuable to others. You may find a benefactor, or become one. Children or young people may concern you more than ever now.
If your life has been hard or stressful for a while - or simply dull and unsatisfying - the "Child" in you may want some attention in the form of small comforts and indulgences, from massages to vacations to favorite desserts, and definitely time to play and friends to play with. This is a time for more self-care and self-nurturing.
Positive Potentials:
Increased empathy and rapport with people; greater generosity, tolerance, and nurturance towards self and others, a broadening of your sympathies and concerns. Increased emotional optimism, and willingness to take chances based on that. Attracting a fortunate opportunity or outcome, especially if you have done your foundational work.
Negative Potentials:
Having an overly soft and indulgent attitude toward your children, yourself, or people who depend upon you, especially if this is your natural tendency to begin with. Excessive or indulgent giving, spending, etc. Promising more than you can realistically deliver.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is an excellent time to join groups, gatherings, or fellowships that nurture the spirit. Playfulness and mutual inspiration come from extending yourself beyond your usual habits and emotional safety zone. Take the initiative to pursue the happy ideas, plans, and possibilities that occur to you now.

November 23 2019

Sun Trine Moon

At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making connections with people and also to discover what gives real emotional nourishment and fulfillment.

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the moment.

November 24 2019

Venus Trine Venus

Contentment, emotional well-being and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax, and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as well.

November 25 2019

Venus Square Moon

The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted, and may do something "maternal" on impulse (such as take home a stray kitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets, shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding with them.

November 26 2019

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

You have little tolerance for distractions or wasting time right now. You may seem rather humorless, not communicative, or even downright unfriendly. You are thinking about practical concerns and necessities, essentials, and the bottom line, or wrangling with problems that you don't want to discuss openly. An interaction or conversation you have today may shed light on a problem you are facing and show you some weakness that needs to be addressed. In any case, this is not a moment for fun and sport, but for focused attention and for cool, detached objectivity.

November 27 2019

Venus Sextile Neptune

You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

November 28 2019

Pluto Square Venus

Romance and sexuality are the key issues now. Your sexual drive is particularly strong now, and you are driven by a strong need to achieve a deeper level of fulfillment in your love relationships. At times during this time period you are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings, and you are prone to dispense with reason, logic, rational judgment, ethics, and taboos.

Very deep feelings are stirred in a close friendship or intimate partnership. A loss, betrayal, the death of a relationship - or the threat of such - may plunge you into the depths of your heart. Or, you may fall deeply and helplessly in love with someone now. If so, your relationship with this person may lead you into some very deep, unhealed places within you. Old patterns or intensely karmic relationships are being activated, and much that has been hidden or buried will surface - perhaps forbidden desires and longings, unresolved jealousies, suppressed resentments, unrequited love, or deep grief from previous losses. The force of your feelings may well surprise you, and seem to compel you to behave compulsively and irrationally. Any close relationship in which you are engaged may be the crucible for these intense feelings to emerge, to be experienced, and potentially be released or transformed.
Positive Potentials:
Overcoming and healing old, painful patterns concerning relationships, how you receive and give love, your feelings of worthiness, attractiveness, ability to be loved, etc. The power of love to heal. Coming into truth about your deeper needs, motives, and desires in relationship. An intensification of creativity and passionate expression.
Negative Potentials:
Attraction to a person or situation that is abusive, manipulative, and based on dominance rather than love. Strong negative emotions, obsessions, jealousies, sexual power games. Misuse of charisma and attractiveness by you or the other person. Projecting old pain onto a current friend or intimate partner.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Allow feelings, desires, and passionate longings to surface, even if they seem "wrong" to you, don't make sense, or violate some conventional idea about how you "should" feel. Be as honest as possible about what you feel, need, want, and are choosing to do in your relationships. Allow your heart to open, even if it is breaking, rather than become shut down or bitter.
Express feelings through song, the written or spoken word, dance, movement, or other creative outpouring. The point is to express - not necessarily to make "good" art! Recognize your power to create and to have real love in your life. Give up disempowering, diminishing, unhappy relationships and choose a new way of being in relationship.

November 29 2019

Pluto Trine Sun

Your concentration, dedication, and resolute determination to achieve your personal goals is never stronger than now. This is a time when you make major changes in yourself and your position in the world.

This is a period to make changes that will lead to regeneration, revitalization, and renewal on many levels. Physically you may decide to upgrade the quality of your diet, to begin exercising or body building, or begin some mind/body healing program. You will also be reconnecting or connecting more strongly with what gives you a sense of meaning, joy, enthusiasm, and passion. Though these changes may seem subtle, they penetrate deeply into your core.
Positive Potentials:
Reversal of the aging process. Moving from a defeatist or victim stance to one of self-creation and empowerment. Greater ability to focus, concentrate, and follow through on personal goals. Commitment to living your life's purpose.
Negative Potentials:
Pursuing ambitions, goals, or self-change regimens over-zealously.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Your creativity and need for self-expression will intensify and deepen, and a renewed commitment to living authentically and from your core may intimidate those around you. You may be accused of being too self absorbed or selfish; know these voices for what they are - the fears and self-serving concerns of others - and don't buy into them.
Unless you are already primarily selfish and self-serving, you will not suddenly become so now.

November 30 2019

Mercury Square Pluto

It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend to force your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you have figured it out.

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

December 01 2019

Mercury Trine Uranus

You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake and interested.

December 02 2019

Mercury Trine Jupiter

This is a good time to travel, especially to places you've never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favored; your ability to understand and abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is strong now. Anything than broadens your world appeals to you at this time. You are interested in the big picture and have less attention and interest in details.

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now. Send and receive inspiring messages.

December 03 2019

Jupiter Square Moon

During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A family get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have a wonderful time sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a communication barrier or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.

During this time period, you may wake up one morning and say WHY NOT? Wishes, yearnings, and dreams that seemed impossible, childish, or too good to be true now seem worth pursuing. People want to join with and help you now, especially if your aims are not entirely self-serving but also offer something valuable to others. You may find a benefactor, or become one. Children or young people may concern you more than ever now.
If your life has been hard or stressful for a while - or simply dull and unsatisfying - the "Child" in you may want some attention in the form of small comforts and indulgences, from massages to vacations to favorite desserts, and definitely time to play and friends to play with. This is a time for more self-care and self-nurturing.
Positive Potentials:
Increased empathy and rapport with people; greater generosity, tolerance, and nurturance towards self and others, a broadening of your sympathies and concerns. Increased emotional optimism, and willingness to take chances based on that. Attracting a fortunate opportunity or outcome, especially if you have done your foundational work.
Negative Potentials:
Having an overly soft and indulgent attitude toward your children, yourself, or people who depend upon you, especially if this is your natural tendency to begin with. Excessive or indulgent giving, spending, etc. Promising more than you can realistically deliver.
Remedies and Suggestions:
This is an excellent time to join groups, gatherings, or fellowships that nurture the spirit. Playfulness and mutual inspiration come from extending yourself beyond your usual habits and emotional safety zone. Take the initiative to pursue the happy ideas, plans, and possibilities that occur to you now.

December 04 2019

Neptune Square Mercury

Be extremely careful in all practical affairs at this time. You tend to overlook details, forget to consider some aspect of a problem, and make silly mistakes. Forgetfulness can be a serious problem.

You are very drawn to and influenced by the whole realm of the mystical, magical, and miraculous during this period. The danger is that you may confuse fantasy or actual spiritual perception with reality. Your imagination is coloring everything right now. You are more enchanted by possibilities than by fact. If you are working in a creative realm, this is fine. But in practical or business matters, it can be a great detriment.
How you will experience this influx of imagination and mystical reality depends to a large extent upon how much the spiritual is already a part of your consciousness and daily life. It can be thoroughly confusing and disorienting if you do not have any context for it. Even if you do, you tend to be less grounded and clear than usual. Avoid extremes, especially regarding spiritual teachings, teachers, or regimens.
Positive Potentials:
Ability to communicate spiritually to all parts of life. Creative imagination and inspiration infuses any artistic, poetic, or spiritual work.
Negative Potentials:
Your nervous system is highly sensitized right now, and you may be more susceptible to environmental poisons, pollution, noise. Tendency toward self-deception or being bamboozled by others. Overly idealistic.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Intoxicants and mind-altering substances of any kind can be severely unbalancing for you now and you would do well to avoid them. Find "natural highs" such as spiritual practices or communion with nature, and balance these with ordinary, mundane chores. Maintain a regular routine. Paint, write, or give tangible expression or form to the images and ideas that you are receiving now. Be very cautious in making any long-term commitment or contract. Misinformation or lack of clarity may abort the realistic possibilities for success. If possible, avoid signing binding agreements.

December 05 2019

Mars Conjunct Saturn

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady, gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

December 06 2019

Mars Conjunct Saturn

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady, gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

December 07 2019

Mars Conjunct Saturn

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady, gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

December 08 2019

Venus Sextile Saturn

You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile. You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do that.

December 09 2019

Sun Trine Pluto

This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and outworn in your life, from clutter and disorder in your environment, to an unhealthy relationship or even a long-held attitude or belief which keeps you from going after what you really want in life.
You are also more perceptive than usual. You see other people's true colors more clearly and you may discover a secret or the hidden aspect of some situation.
Something lost, hidden, or forgotten may come to light.

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another day.

December 10 2019

Mercury Trine Moon

It is easy for you to talk about your feelings now, and also to listen sensitively to not only what others are saying but also what they are feeling. This is an excellent time to discuss your feelings and clear the air on any grievances you may be holding on to from the past. Your communication with women is especially good at this time.

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

December 11 2019

Saturn Trine Sun

You are very well-organized and disciplined at this time. Your concentration and dedication to a task are very strong, and there are fewer obstacles than usual, allowing you to accomplish a tremendous amount of work now.

This is a cycle of solid achievement. You are on firm footing, and also attract the support of elders, teachers, mentors, or those in authority.
Positive Potentials:
Laying the foundation for future success. Contacting those in positions of power if you believe they can help your cause. Lawsuits or negotiations work in your favor at this time. Work steadily now to ensure future security and well-being.
Negative Potentials:
There is very little negative potential in this, other than the possibility of taking what is available to you for granted.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Historical precedents, tradition, and some part of your heritage is very important and can strengthen you now. Seek out elders and/or your roots.

December 12 2019

Venus Square Neptune

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative however and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you.

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors, styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements) strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a little magic.

December 13 2019

Sun Sextile Neptune

Today you feel less competitive and ambitious about practical and mundane matters. The world of imagination, fantasy, art, music, or mysticism is very appealing to you now, and if you have talent in any of these areas, this can be a creative and fruitful time for you. However, the negative possibilities for you now are being undisciplined, slack, indefinite, and wasting time and energy.

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace solutions.

December 14 2019

Venus Square Venus

What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel and want in your relationships. If you are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You also feel amorous and loving, and if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy and appreciate it.

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease. In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

December 15 2019

Venus Trine Sun

Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like socializing and being friendly.

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience.

December 16 2019

Mars Trine Uranus

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.
The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

December 17 2019

Mars Trine Jupiter

At this time you will want to branch out; you have the energy to do more and take on more challenges. This is a very good time to begin implementing the plans and promises that you have made to yourself, as any new endeavor is likely to succeed. A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now.

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing, are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

December 18 2019

Mars Square Pluto

Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in you emerges, and you can be excessively willful, domineering, or compulsive about doing what you want to. You battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious power struggle may ensue. Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. You are likely to push yourself much too hard.

A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

December 19 2019

Mars Trine Uranus

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.
The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

December 20 2019

Mars Trine Jupiter

At this time you will want to branch out; you have the energy to do more and take on more challenges. This is a very good time to begin implementing the plans and promises that you have made to yourself, as any new endeavor is likely to succeed. A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now.

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing, are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

December 21 2019

Mercury Trine Pluto

There is great depth to your conversations. You find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters, and also asking very penetrating questions of others. Superficial answers don't satisfy you now. This is an excellent time to investigate a complex problem or mystery, look for something that has been lost or hidden, and also to learn more about your own inner depths.

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

December 22 2019

Sun Square Moon

Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part.
A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive or negative.

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes, or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now. Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

December 23 2019

Venus Sextile Moon

This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable, loving, and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements or beautifying your surroundings in some way is also favored now.

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

December 24 2019

Mars Square Pluto

Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in you emerges, and you can be excessively willful, domineering, or compulsive about doing what you want to. You battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious power struggle may ensue. Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. You are likely to push yourself much too hard.

A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

December 25 2019

Mars Trine Uranus

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.
The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

December 26 2019

Mars Trine Jupiter

At this time you will want to branch out; you have the energy to do more and take on more challenges. This is a very good time to begin implementing the plans and promises that you have made to yourself, as any new endeavor is likely to succeed. A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now.

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing, are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

December 27 2019

Mercury Square Moon

Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and you may not be very objective.
This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.
Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about and reflecting on the past is likely.

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to do so now. Phone home!

December 28 2019

Saturn Square Neptune

This is a very trying time when doubt is cast on your most cherished ideals and lofty dreams. If you are a religious person, you may have the sobering realization of inconsistencies in your spiritual philosophy or hypocrisies within the church.

This is a period of realistically facing illusions, deceptions, addictive or avoidant behavior, and issues you may have been unwilling to see clearly in the past. Serious deficiencies in someone or something you have idealized may cause you to reassess. You may question the depth of your honesty and your commitment to your promises or ideals.
Your mood is one of detachment, disenchantment, and possibly self doubt and cynicism. You tend to see yourself and others in a harsh light, which can generate feelings of guilt and general despondency. Or, you may simply feel spiritually dry and barren, as if the fount of inspiration and comfort had dried up. It's a time of deepening, maturing, sending your roots down even further to tap spiritual nourishment. Practical service or even self-sacrifice, rather than dreamy idealism or airy fantasy, is your path at the moment.
Positive Potentials:
Disciplined efforts to overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to substantial improvements. Reclaiming personal responsibility and personal power. Ability to give up, do without, or sacrifice comfort in order to actualize a dream, "walk your talk" or surrender negative attachments.
Negative Potentials:
A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood. Inability to see the positive elements. Lessened vital energy.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Taking some time alone in quiet surroundings; perhaps a sabbatical or retreat may be helpful. Simplify your life. "Fast" from activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the form of "entertainment", "spirituality", as simply people who drain your emotional resources.
Refrain from making long-term decisions now, as you tend not to see the whole picture at the moment. You may perceive things as darker, harder, and tougher than you will feel they are further down the road. Seek help for addictive patterns you wish to be free of.

December 29 2019

Venus Square Saturn

Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a break!

December 30 2019

Mercury Square Moon

Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and you may not be very objective.
This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.
Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about and reflecting on the past is likely.

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to do so now. Phone home!

December 31 2019

Saturn Square Venus

A sobering experience in a love relationship occurs around this time. You may be rudely shown ways in which your attitude and behavior towards a loved one is based on misguided principles.

Socially and emotionally this is a period of contraction, withdrawal, cooling off, and being alone. Even if there are people who love and care about you, you question, doubt, and test their loyalty and affection. Questions of commitment or allegiance may arise. This can be a very stressful time in your personal relationships. You may distance yourself in order to evaluate what is going on. Perhaps your own ability to love, to share yourself deeply, and to be intimate with others is an issue now. If you have been neglecting the needs of your heart or your loved ones, the effects of that will be shown to you, and may precipitate a crisis. Or, there may be a parting or loss. If your love life is basically fulfilling and going well, your relationships will continue and even grow stronger through this period of testing.
Financially you're apt to be contracted and conservative as well. Fears related to money and material security are activated now. Be aware that these are mostly unfounded if you have been responsible with your money up until now. Still, this can be a period of austerity or belt-tightening and making significant financial investments or purchases would be unwise.
Positive Potentials:
Releasing self-deception and illusions regarding intimate others, and letting go of involvements which have fulfilled their purpose. Learning about self-love, self-appreciation, and what you have to give others. Recognizing the importance of love in your life and reorienting your focus to include more heart connections, intimacy, and caring. Finding the essence of love; less concern with superficial appearances.
Negative Potentials:
Questioning your own value, your ability to love and be loved. Rejecting love offered, or feeling rejected. Loneliness, humorlessness, joylessness, being overly serious.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Do not force yourself into sociability that you do not feel, in an effort to avoid the discomfort you may be experiencing. Instead, choose to find nourishing and gratifying activities that you can provide for yourself. Simplify your surroundings and create beauty through simplicity. Make a list of 100 things that you love and that give you pleasure. Do some of them. Make amends to the people in your life who you have neglected or been unloving towards.

January 01 2020

Saturn Square Venus

A sobering experience in a love relationship occurs around this time. You may be rudely shown ways in which your attitude and behavior towards a loved one is based on misguided principles.

Socially and emotionally this is a period of contraction, withdrawal, cooling off, and being alone. Even if there are people who love and care about you, you question, doubt, and test their loyalty and affection. Questions of commitment or allegiance may arise. This can be a very stressful time in your personal relationships. You may distance yourself in order to evaluate what is going on. Perhaps your own ability to love, to share yourself deeply, and to be intimate with others is an issue now. If you have been neglecting the needs of your heart or your loved ones, the effects of that will be shown to you, and may precipitate a crisis. Or, there may be a parting or loss. If your love life is basically fulfilling and going well, your relationships will continue and even grow stronger through this period of testing.
Financially you're apt to be contracted and conservative as well. Fears related to money and material security are activated now. Be aware that these are mostly unfounded if you have been responsible with your money up until now. Still, this can be a period of austerity or belt-tightening and making significant financial investments or purchases would be unwise.
Positive Potentials:
Releasing self-deception and illusions regarding intimate others, and letting go of involvements which have fulfilled their purpose. Learning about self-love, self-appreciation, and what you have to give others. Recognizing the importance of love in your life and reorienting your focus to include more heart connections, intimacy, and caring. Finding the essence of love; less concern with superficial appearances.
Negative Potentials:
Questioning your own value, your ability to love and be loved. Rejecting love offered, or feeling rejected. Loneliness, humorlessness, joylessness, being overly serious.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Do not force yourself into sociability that you do not feel, in an effort to avoid the discomfort you may be experiencing. Instead, choose to find nourishing and gratifying activities that you can provide for yourself. Simplify your surroundings and create beauty through simplicity. Make a list of 100 things that you love and that give you pleasure. Do some of them. Make amends to the people in your life who you have neglected or been unloving towards.

January 02 2020

Sun Sextile Saturn

Your ability to concentrate and focus on your work is very good now. This is a time to attend to details, take care of practical business, and to make your life more stable and secure. It would be beneficial to consult advisors on investments and long-range plans, and to put your affairs in order. Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now.

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong, but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

January 03 2020

Mars Trine Moon

Your feelings run hot now, and you are more likely to act on instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason. Your responses to life are passionate, and also more natural, childlike, and direct. High spirited physical play, lovemaking, or any activity that really involves you emotionally (such as a rock concert, a rousing football game, etc.) will be very gratifying to you now.

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

January 04 2020

Venus Square Saturn

Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a break!

January 05 2020

Venus Trine Neptune

At this time you are more sensitive to beauty and also the feelings and needs of others. It is easy for you to give generously of yourself, for you sympathize strongly with other people and spiritual values are more important than material ones at this time.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

January 06 2020

Mercury Sextile Saturn

Your mind is serious and you are able to concentrate on work that requires patience, attention to detail, and precision. Practical concerns dominate. It is a good time to learn practical skills, do your taxes, organize your files, and take care of business. You'll want to avoid light social conversation or trivialities that distract you from your work.

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination, either written or oral.

January 07 2020

Venus Square Sun

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore, and may interfere with work or complicate situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

January 08 2020

Sun Sextile Saturn

Your ability to concentrate and focus on your work is very good now. This is a time to attend to details, take care of practical business, and to make your life more stable and secure. It would be beneficial to consult advisors on investments and long-range plans, and to put your affairs in order. Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now.

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong, but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

January 09 2020

Venus Trine Mars

You feel quite amorous and affectionate now, and will very much want to share this time with someone you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated, and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time.

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

January 10 2020

Venus Trine Neptune

At this time you are more sensitive to beauty and also the feelings and needs of others. It is easy for you to give generously of yourself, for you sympathize strongly with other people and spiritual values are more important than material ones at this time.

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical assistance you can provide.

January 11 2020

Sun Square Venus

Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure, is strong now and you act on feelings and creative impulses more readily than usual. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personal life, these issues arise at this time and there may be disagreements or tension in a close relationship.

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend. Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

January 12 2020

Sun Trine Sun

Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well-received at this time.

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

January 13 2020

Mercury Trine Sun

You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

January 14 2020

Saturn Square Venus

A sobering experience in a love relationship occurs around this time. You may be rudely shown ways in which your attitude and behavior towards a loved one is based on misguided principles.

Socially and emotionally this is a period of contraction, withdrawal, cooling off, and being alone. Even if there are people who love and care about you, you question, doubt, and test their loyalty and affection. Questions of commitment or allegiance may arise. This can be a very stressful time in your personal relationships. You may distance yourself in order to evaluate what is going on. Perhaps your own ability to love, to share yourself deeply, and to be intimate with others is an issue now. If you have been neglecting the needs of your heart or your loved ones, the effects of that will be shown to you, and may precipitate a crisis. Or, there may be a parting or loss. If your love life is basically fulfilling and going well, your relationships will continue and even grow stronger through this period of testing.
Financially you're apt to be contracted and conservative as well. Fears related to money and material security are activated now. Be aware that these are mostly unfounded if you have been responsible with your money up until now. Still, this can be a period of austerity or belt-tightening and making significant financial investments or purchases would be unwise.
Positive Potentials:
Releasing self-deception and illusions regarding intimate others, and letting go of involvements which have fulfilled their purpose. Learning about self-love, self-appreciation, and what you have to give others. Recognizing the importance of love in your life and reorienting your focus to include more heart connections, intimacy, and caring. Finding the essence of love; less concern with superficial appearances.
Negative Potentials:
Questioning your own value, your ability to love and be loved. Rejecting love offered, or feeling rejected. Loneliness, humorlessness, joylessness, being overly serious.
Remedies and Suggestions:
Do not force yourself into sociability that you do not feel, in an effort to avoid the discomfort you may be experiencing. Instead, choose to find nourishing and gratifying activities that you can provide for yourself. Simplify your surroundings and create beauty through simplicity. Make a list of 100 things that you love and that give you pleasure. Do some of them. Make amends to the people in your life who you have neglected or been unloving towards.

Your planetary transits

Bill, it is very important that you know about planetary transits, and more specifically YOUR transits. To achieve this, I will first explain to your clearly what a planetary transit is and then tell you why it is important. I will then give you details on your personal transits and how I calculate them to provide you with the transits that will happen to influence you in each important area of your life my dear!

A planetary transit is when a planet creates a precise angle based on a person’s date and place of birth. So interpreting transits means that we compare the position of planets at a specific moment with how the astral sky used to look like when a person was born. The transits that I have here for you Bill are completely specific to you, your natal chart and no one else on Earth.

Based on your personal information, Bill, I calculated how all the planets from your astral sky move around and determine when their influence will be the greatest. So with this information, I identify and discover the dates when their energy will be at its absolute strongest for you my dear. These dates are unique to you and you only my dear! This includes determining the dates that these transits will arrive and the period of time when their energy will stay present around you, for you to harness and use in your life by acting at these precise moments.

With this knowledge I can then examine the planetary transits in even greater detail and determine WHICH planets will cross which and what type of energy will be released when they do and for exactly how long! That, my dear Bill, is how I have been able to come up with the exact information you need to succeed in each area of your life.

Yes my dear, I have looked at your Astrological data including your date of birth May, 17th 1955 and place of birth. Together, this information has revealed to me how every planet will move this year and I can tell you exactly which transits in your life, specifically in your year 2019 will personally affect you in the most positive ways imaginable!

I divided your transits into 3 main sections – Love, Money and Business - as they are the sections that will impact you the most during the upcoming year. So, let’s get into it Bill, and let me show you when your life is about to be the most intense of the year for you to fully take advantage of it and seize all the opportunities 2019 is going to present to you!!


I considered all your transits related to love that are going to impact you this year my dear.

For you to fully understand your transits I need to tell you something important. One transit on its own will always have less influence than several transits overlapping each other. So I took a look at the combinations of 3 or more transits related to love and that are going to impact you at the exact same time Bill. The more overlapping sequences there are, the more intense this period is going to be for you.

Now I am going to give you the best time for your love life this year, which means the ones where 3 or more transits are going to overlap each other and influence your love life very positively.

Overlap from January, 29th 2019 to February, 4th 2019

  • Mars Sex Mercury : from January, 18th 2019 to February, 4th 2019
  • Venus Sex Neptune : from January, 26th 2019 to February, 4th 2019
  • Venus Tri Venus : from January, 27th 2019 to February, 7th 2019

Overlap from March, 20th 2019 to March, 23th 2019

  • Mars Con Sun : from March, 13th 2019 to April, 5th 2019
  • Venus Opp Pluto : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019
  • Venus Tri Mars : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019
  • Venus Tri Neptune : from March, 17th 2019 to March, 28th 2019
  • Sun Tri Jupiter : from March, 8th 2019 to March, 23th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019

Overlap from March, 24th 2019 to March, 27th 2019

  • Mars Con Sun : from March, 13th 2019 to April, 5th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019
  • Venus Tri Neptune : from March, 17th 2019 to March, 28th 2019
  • Venus Opp Pluto : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019
  • Venus Tri Mars : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019

Overlap from May, 31th 2019 to June, 3th 2019

  • Venus Con Sun : from May, 30th 2019 to June, 11th 2019
  • Venus Sex Jupiter : from May, 31th 2019 to June, 9th 2019
  • Mercury Sex Venus : from May, 31th 2019 to June, 6th 2019

Overlap from June, 27th 2019 to July, 2th 2019

  • Venus Con Mars : from June, 23th 2019 to July, 4th 2019
  • Venus Sex Pluto : from June, 24th 2019 to July, 2th 2019
  • Venus Tri Neptune : from June, 24th 2019 to July, 5th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from June, 27th 2019 to July, 5th 2019

Overlap from July, 20th 2019 to July, 25th 2019

  • Sun Tri Moon : from July, 15th 2019 to August, 2th 2019
  • Sun Con Jupiter : from July, 9th 2019 to July, 25th 2019
  • Venus Con Uranus : from July, 18th 2019 to July, 28th 2019
  • Venus Con Jupiter : from July, 18th 2019 to July, 29th 2019
  • Mars Sex Mercury : from July, 20th 2019 to August, 7th 2019

Overlap from August, 14th 2019 to August, 20th 2019

  • Venus Sex Mars : from August, 12th 2019 to August, 20th 2019
  • Venus Sex Neptune : from August, 13th 2019 to August, 22th 2019
  • Venus Tri Venus : from August, 14th 2019 to August, 24th 2019

Overlap from November, 18th 2019 to November, 25th 2019

  • Sun Tri Moon : from November, 15th 2019 to December, 2th 2019
  • Sun Tri Jupiter : from November, 10th 2019 to November, 25th 2019
  • Venus Sex Neptune : from November, 18th 2019 to November, 26th 2019
  • Venus Tri Venus : from November, 18th 2019 to November, 29th 2019


Next Bill, you will find below the best time of the year related to your finances.

Overlap from January, 26th 2019 to February, 4th 2019

  • Venus Tri Pluto : from January, 23th 2019 to February, 4th 2019
  • Venus Sex Neptune : from January, 26th 2019 to February, 4th 2019

Overlap from February, 20th 2019 to February, 23th 2019

  • Sun Sex Venus : from February, 10th 2019 to February, 23th 2019
  • Mercury Tri Uranus : from February, 20th 2019 to March, 22th 2019

Overlap from March, 16th 2019 to March, 19th 2019

  • Mercury Tri Uranus : from February, 20th 2019 to March, 22th 2019
  • Venus Tri Mars : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019

Overlap from March, 20th 2019 to March, 22th 2019

  • Venus Tri Mars : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019
  • Mercury Tri Uranus : from February, 20th 2019 to March, 22th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019

Overlap from March, 23th 2019 to March, 27th 2019

  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019
  • Venus Tri Mars : from March, 16th 2019 to March, 27th 2019

Overlap from April, 6th 2019 to April, 17th 2019

  • Mercury Tri Uranus : from April, 3th 2019 to April, 17th 2019
  • Sun Tri Pluto : from April, 6th 2019 to April, 21th 2019

Overlap from May, 31th 2019 to June, 8th 2019

  • Venus Sex Uranus : from May, 30th 2019 to June, 8th 2019
  • Venus Sex Jupiter : from May, 31th 2019 to June, 9th 2019

Overlap from June, 27th 2019 to July, 2th 2019

  • Venus Sex Pluto : from June, 24th 2019 to July, 2th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from June, 27th 2019 to July, 5th 2019

Overlap from September, 7th 2019 to September, 13th 2019

  • Venus Sex Uranus : from September, 5th 2019 to September, 14th 2019
  • Venus Sex Jupiter : from September, 6th 2019 to September, 14th 2019
  • Mercury Sex Uranus : from September, 7th 2019 to September, 13th 2019

Overlap from September, 29th 2019 to October, 8th 2019

  • Venus Tri Mars : from September, 28th 2019 to October, 9th 2019
  • Venus Sex Pluto : from September, 29th 2019 to October, 8th 2019

Overlap from November, 18th 2019 to November, 26th 2019

  • Venus Tri Pluto : from November, 15th 2019 to November, 26th 2019
  • Venus Sex Neptune : from November, 18th 2019 to November, 26th 2019


2019 is going to be tremendously busy for you regarding business, and I will reveal to you based on your overlapping transits, what’s the most intense time for you this year.

Overlap from March, 9th 2019 to March, 14th 2019

  • Sun Tri Saturn : from February, 28th 2019 to March, 15th 2019
  • Sun Sex Sun : from March, 9th 2019 to March, 24th 2019

Overlap from March, 16th 2019 to March, 19th 2019

  • Sun Sex Sun : from March, 9th 2019 to March, 24th 2019
  • Mars Sex Jupiter : from March, 15th 2019 to April, 1th 2019

Overlap from March, 20th 2019 to March, 24th 2019

  • Sun Sex Sun : from March, 9th 2019 to March, 24th 2019
  • Mars Sex Jupiter : from March, 15th 2019 to April, 1th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019

Overlap from March, 25th 2019 to March, 29th 2019

  • Mars Sex Jupiter : from March, 15th 2019 to April, 1th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from March, 20th 2019 to March, 29th 2019

Overlap from May, 10th 2019 to May, 15th 2019

  • Venus Sex Mars : from May, 6th 2019 to May, 15th 2019
  • Sun Sex Jupiter : from May, 9th 2019 to May, 22th 2019

Overlap from June, 18th 2019 to June, 26th 2019

  • Mars Sex Sun : from June, 15th 2019 to July, 6th 2019
  • Venus Con Mercury : from June, 18th 2019 to June, 28th 2019

Overlap from July, 1th 2019 to July, 5th 2019

  • Mars Sex Sun : from June, 15th 2019 to July, 6th 2019
  • Venus Sex Venus : from June, 27th 2019 to July, 5th 2019
  • Sun Tri Saturn : from July, 1th 2019 to July, 17th 2019

Overlap from July, 10th 2019 to July, 17th 2019

  • Sun Tri Saturn : from July, 1th 2019 to July, 17th 2019
  • Sun Sex Sun : from July, 10th 2019 to July, 26th 2019

Overlap from August, 12th 2019 to August, 15th 2019

  • Venus Sex Mercury : from August, 6th 2019 to August, 15th 2019
  • Venus Con Pluto : from August, 11th 2019 to August, 21th 2019
  • Venus Sex Mars : from August, 12th 2019 to August, 20th 2019

Overlap from August, 16th 2019 to August, 20th 2019

  • Venus Con Pluto : from August, 11th 2019 to August, 21th 2019
  • Venus Sex Mars : from August, 12th 2019 to August, 20th 2019

Overlap from September, 17th 2019 to September, 24th 2019

  • Mars Tri Sun : from September, 15th 2019 to October, 9th 2019
  • Sun Sex Jupiter : from September, 11th 2019 to September, 24th 2019
  • Mars Sex Jupiter : from September, 17th 2019 to October, 5th 2019

Overlap from September, 25th 2019 to September, 29th 2019

  • Mars Tri Sun : from September, 15th 2019 to October, 9th 2019
  • Mars Sex Jupiter : from September, 17th 2019 to October, 5th 2019

Overlap from October, 6th 2019 to October, 9th 2019

  • Mars Tri Sun : from September, 15th 2019 to October, 9th 2019
  • Venus Con Neptune : from September, 30th 2019 to October, 10th 2019
  • Sun Tri Mercury : from October, 3th 2019 to October, 18th 2019


That’s everything Bill, everything that is going to be responsible for changing your life in 2019 so long as you act and put in the necessary work. I want you to know that if things ever get hard or you need some inspiration then come back here and ready the practical and spiritual guidance that I've given you, it can be just the push you need to get started again and jump back in towards your goals that will change your life.

Even if you do not find things getting hard, I think you should still read over everything as you can gain valuable advice from it that can be used from now until the end of the year. The past horoscopes for past days that you’ll have read will give your insight and allow you to learn from your past so that you can improve in your future.

I want to take this time to tell you, as we end this part of journey together, that it has truly been a pleasure to work with you this January and I'm happy that I have had the opportunity to start your 2019 positively. I know that with my guidance and the strength within you, that you’re going to achieve great things this year, as I've told you many times, 2019 WILL be your year Bill, and I couldn’t be any happier for you if I tried.

Let me give you one final piece of advice though, and that is to never give up, no matter how hard things may get in this year or in your life, because we all go through hard times but what makes us, what makes you the amazing person that you are is your strength and determination to succeed. You’re going to overcome all obstacles like you always have Bill, you’re going to use the strength that the planets give to help you to do this. Believe me when I tell you that if you work hard and make good progress this year by following my advice... you will achieve every single one of your goals...

So, stay focused, and never give up... Good luck my dear friend!